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Everything posted by flood

  1. Maybe because it doesn’t force a dreadful 14 team premiership on the teams that managed to win more than 4 games last season?
  2. Hearts take SPFL to court SFA throw hearts out of SPFL and Scottish cup SPFL declare bankruptcy, fast track new company called the the SPFL play 2020/21 with 41 new shareholders No more hearts. Nice
  3. The 14-10-10-10 is a crap solution and won’t pass. Many problems with the 8-6 spilt why don’t thistle propose a 12-12-10-10, possibly with regionalised 2 lower 10’s? im sure most clubs apart from hearts would back this and would create a great championship of mainly full time clubs
  4. I brought it up as it should not be forgotten.... I’m sure it is forgotten on sevcomedia and followfollow though...
  5. We just need a “Dossier” to blow the SPFL apart I am sure sevco had such a document....
  6. It would appear that a stepped approach to public gatherings will be happening.... Obviously grounds such as rugby park, can possibly ensure social distancing with 3000 to 4000 season ticket holders in an 18000 capacity stadium once restrictions are eased what plans and what priority do celtic have for 50k season ticket holders in a 50k stadium....?
  7. Andy Halliday would have won caps if season had finished
  8. It has maybe been put back out there, in the hope of making hearts proposal for 14-14-14 seem palatable
  9. I am sure that Doncaster said at weekend he was speaking to clubs this week to check availability to train/play etc so hearts fans should hear in due course... Also the top league only starting early is a government rule as part of a stepped easing of lockdown, so if hearts are in championship and want to take court action they should take against the government for preventing trade and not the SPFL
  10. Would be great if all premiership teams say yeah to 14 team top league for next year. Though it has to follow sporting integrity and relegate hearts and promote ICT and Dundee. No relegation from premiership next year, so hearts attempted bribes get them two years at least in championship...if they survive
  11. Or budge is trying to use as a bargaining tool.
  12. Any potential benefactors that wanted to support lower league Scottish football could go on google and get names and phone numbers of every club in about 5 minutes ... To wrap it around the reconstruction proposal, which is now just for discussion as she knows it won’t pass, smacks of desperation
  13. Neil Doncaster’s statement mentioned surprise at no strings. sounds like it was previously implied it was attached with strings, such as.....“if we stay in premiership our benefactors will provide funding for lower teams”
  14. I cannot see why Partick and Falkirk are not leading a process to restructure the bottom three leagues. Forget change at the premiership and focus on a 12-12-10-10 setup for this coming session and maybe a 12-12 if no clubs can play. Most of the top league are happy with the size and temporary changes just bring problem s a year or two down the line. Dont expect Hearts plans to pass as they are throwing bribes and threats at all hoping one of these will work. Get Falkirk up and keep Partick in. Would be a cracking league in my humble opinion
  15. Yeah the sevco dossier really highlighted what Dundee did, and I’m sure it will stand up in court
  16. About time the SFA stepped in and sorted these Jambos out. You were the worst team in the league and have been relegated, so just get on with it
  17. If the championship has teams and games starting August as proposed by SPFL, surely that argument is dead. If it was an argument to begin with Even if games are behind closed doors that is a government rule rather than the fault of SPFL
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