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Mr. X

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Everything posted by Mr. X

  1. More info on him. https://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/latest-hearts-news/hearts-sign-exciting-forward-from-sevilla-with-two-further-signings-in-the-pipeline-4677613
  2. Don't let him upset you. Your team look all set to be champions of the bottom 6.
  3. There will be loads of empty seats, but they're all bought and paid for.
  4. Yes, we've been a bit if a rollercoaster side in the past. Now we appear to have get our shit together, while other teams have turned to shit.
  5. End of season predictable snore-fest, the usual 2-0 Hearts.
  6. We really shouldn't complain too loudly about this season. Third in the league is the best that we can reasonably expect, and we were only put out of the cup competitions by a club who's player's salaries completely dwarf even our highest paid players. Hopefully we can kick on next season and make a better showing in Europe.
  7. I was on your side FFS. I genuinely felt sorry for you being a Hibby.
  8. Embarrassing not being able to beat a rival club at Hampden.
  9. Give him a break, he's been desperate to cheer something for weeks, and it was never going to be Hibs.
  10. Finished freakily well in 22/23 under Robson, so the lazy prediction was for this to continue into new season. Predicting outwith the two teams to finish in the top two is near impossible.
  11. I enjoyed the 'Hearts are Falling Apart Again' song from Livi fans on twenty odd minutes. That was never going to come back and bite them on the arse.
  12. A sell out home crowd too, what short memories we've all got.
  13. Probably, I'm disappointed whenever my team is as high as a Meh.
  14. I think that covering someone else' badge displays a lack of class by The Rangers, but I felt Hearts response was over the top even if it was an attempt to appease the angry mob.
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