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Everything posted by sophia

  1. Michelle Ballantyne on BBC Scotland now. Oh my word!
  2. He was completely out of step with the rest of the room today with his fake bluster. Nicola Sturgeon was justifiably exasperated by him. I thought that she showed signs of being outwardly hurt by his nonsense. Donald Cameron seems human enough for someone of his ilk. (Cameron of Lochiel)
  3. Indeed he is and it was within the last couple of weeks that he immediately called out an snp bad stat from a contributor. The contributor wasn't a politician but certainly had an agenda so kudos to him for having done the prep and having the correct stat to hand. However, the Pincent and Lumley interviews were as jarringly odd as they were redolent of David Bowie's ill considered interjection in 2014
  4. John Beattie and puff pieces on the BBC radio show he hosts in his avuncular, innocent abroad style... Last week, Matthew Pincent, today Joanna Lumley. Both pieces played out in a familiar way, some banter about them being in some way Scottish and the political better together coup de gras. It's almost as if it is rehearsed.
  5. Miles Briggs just agreed with Johnnie Beattie's assertion that the UK's government's covid response has been a shambles. And then for good measure, he agreed again! Given that I trust not one Tory anywhere in the world, I searched my imagination for the double speak angle he was sneakily employing. I have been unable to do so and can only conclude that M. Briggs has no political ambition.
  6. Ian Davidson. Last seen garnering enough votes to save his deposit in Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk.
  7. At a time when "morale is at an all time low" (morale is always at an all time low) a teacher declared and I quote; "I'm spinning plates to keep my head above water" Ergo, most teachers are novelty acts on a popular itv show. I for one absolutely believe most teachers break the working time directive and the conspiracy of kindness to their craft and kids is one that no union rep has ever blown a whistle on it.
  8. Richie Foran - Late at night in the highland capital, attended a nightclub, indulged in punching and threatening behaviour, arrested after rolling around on the ground, treated to night in the cells. Subsequently rehabilitated in terms of HR and injury and to the surprise of many, promoted to a senior position at his club. Unfortunately it didn't end well and relegation was confirmed. Good luck Iain!
  9. Once Upon A Time In Iraq is available on iPlayer and the second episode was on BBC2 yesterday. Everyone seems to be, in one way or another, broken by the whole shebang. The on the surface braggadocio of the marine in the first episode and Sassaman last night was expertly rendered as paper thin by the production team. Fantastic viewing.
  10. There's nothing like highland hospitality and this is nothing like highland hospitality
  11. Although I cannot bring myself to indulge in the detail it seems to me that James Kelly is enjoying some success in winding up an increasingly shrill RSC in his blog
  12. It seems to me that "released" is a word from a bygone era. Pre Bosman, players were most certainly released but these days, they come to the end of their contracts and move on. If the player or club is put out by that, then that's just so much tough. Also, I've just re-read Matty-RCFC's missive. I do miss Jacqueline.
  13. You forgot Todorov. He also forgot the small fact that we have no money. In fact its worse than that, we have negative money. As harsh as it is, going some way to living within our means is an act of high morality and civic rectitude. The opposite and being unnaturally bankrolled is a mark of shame.
  14. I have to say, this is great outcome for all concerned. All concerned that is, apart from @Comrie @Sherrif John Bunnell @Loki et al
  15. Interesting juxtaposition of detail and geographical distancing. Hmm.
  16. BBC Scotland showing moaning fu... correspondents telling us why face coverings are so unfair. It would have been better balanced if they inveigled the strutting blue shirt who along with his dutiful partner were the only exceptions at the Sunday supermarket.
  17. If Ross County are of a higher standard, it really does beg a question on terms of reference. I'm open to suggestions, with the caveat that financial doping for tax and ego purposes should be specifically excluded. In other news, the diddy pile-on as witnessed above says rather more about the craving for self aggrandising dopamine than the original clumsy point made.
  18. Hinkley > £92/MWh (inflation linked for 35 (thirty five) years Offshore wind < £40/MWh Despite this, there are too many Tory troughers involved to spare us poor consumers the eye watering nuclear sums for decades.
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