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Everything posted by Airdrie76

  1. Cheers, looks a decent signing but had seen he didn't play that many games last year.
  2. Van Zanten has signed for Airdrie - think he'll do a job in the 1st division?
  3. I'd be surprised if at his age he's joined to sit in the bench for a team in the championship. Despite the over the top warnings about how sh1t he is, he actually did well for Airdrie and I'm sorry to see him go. He had a slow start but I don't think he'd been playing much before joining (had been out in NZ) and once he got into he was pretty solid.
  4. It's johnston according to a Sun tweet 10 minutes ago
  5. Without knowing the ins and outs, I'm surprised you're so willing to believe Rankines story given his reputation and past history...let alone post "his" thoughts on a forum. I find it a little hard to believe the club were duped into paying taxes that weren't due, as well as telling on themselves and incurring an unnecessary points deduction. Time will tell I guess. It looked like points scoring at the time between the two. What's McDougall been doing during all of this? Absolutely agree a change of ownership looks to be the best outcome now. When is the court verdict due anyway?
  6. He hardly threw it in. Ball hit the post, then him and went in
  7. Only one person swinging and missing if your using the Czech game to talk Avril up. It was embarrassing. And the key thing is he didn't get a point. We'd have beat them at Hampden if it wasn't for the ref. Which showed they weren't actually particularly good
  8. Did he bump airdrie though? Or was it just rumour and bad reporting. Genuine question by the way. Didn't see anything official from airdrie on it.
  9. Agree with most of your post but its been quite clear Dunfermline and Hearts have been overspending for years. Dunfermline from around 2000 onwards (at a guess)
  10. Lets put it down to a mix of delusion and retardedness. Whether that's the players believing it or you believing them, I'm not sure. Back their ability, have a word with yourself. No way do they think they will finish above Rangers. They'd be delighted if they got in the play offs.
  11. he scored in the Scottish Cup against Aberdeen?? Sure it was straight to Raith though (as per link)
  12. Fair enough mate! Just would have been shocked that was all! That's a considerable amount for Raith Rovers to pay but the transfer fees they were paying out for absolute sh1te from us (Paul bonnar, Duffield, Harvey) were considerable too.... And money down the drain!
  13. I don't believe for a minute Airdrie were paying that a week. Given Andy Smith left the club at the same time partly due to being offered more money at Dunfermline, I doubt we went nuts on Peter Duffield.
  14. No ones asked the important question... Just how fat will Nade be? He'll be a disaster next season.
  15. What happened to the spending 90p in the £1 (or whatever was said at the time by McDougall or Ged Nixen) to ensure the club don't end up in the sh1t again? I know a lot of overspend was allegedly due to initially being put in the 3rd division but what's the excuse now?Livingston fans are clearly up in arms at it all...
  16. Yeah, hand over 134k and lose it when (if) the club goes into liquidation anyway. Great shout.
  17. It makes no difference at all unless he's written off what he's owed. Actually, the next man in cant possibly be as incompetent or dilusional but will it really change the bigger picture.
  18. We'll see what happens should Mastertons company goes into admin. That soft loan will become real pretty quick.
  19. He didn't really live up to expectations. And they weren't particularly high expectations. Seems a decent guy though and scored 3 goals over the 4 play off games so it could be argued was coming good!
  20. Maybe Brian knows. He seems like a reasonable, well grounded guy. And any friend of MCLs is a friend of mine. Well Brian?
  21. Its good that MCL and McDougall have given us the truth. Once the stadium is sold we can close this thread. Well down MCL. Years and years of posting has paid off.
  22. Who'd have thought it. It turns out given today's news that Melville and massone are good guys....
  23. I think it's a case that Rankine is too clever to be caught! Whether the league is bent or not your guys have been part of it for a very long time!
  24. Who are the likes of McDougall, Rankine, Gemmill etc if not the very persons that fit the description of blazers?? I don't get your obsession with the phrase when you have these people in and around your club. Rankine was able to expose them as he is one of them! He was the bookie!! Just how bent is he?? The irony on McMasters departure can't be lost given the situation with Rankines niece. The man you hate, blame and call a blazer hasn't been involved in Scottish Football for anywhere near the length of time ANY of them have been.
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