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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. 2 minutes ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    You’ve nailed it. Almost all Elgin’s attacks were coming down our right hand side. If Renton is fit that should at least give us a bit more threat but don’t know who could play alongside him. We really are missing Coxy, we won’t get a replacement easily.

    And Glass did have another good game.

    I liked the look of Kavanagh.  Him and Renton would be decent but Kris isn't fully fit.  Fairly sure he was playing with a knock on Saturday and there's no guarantee that he'd get through a run of games.

  2. A few observations from the game in Elgin.

    Olly Hamilton is pish.  Shouldn't be getting a game.  Positionally poor and looked useless with the ball at his feet.  A chance in the first half came when a free kick was floated in and Barr beat the keeper to it.  The ball dropped between the penalty spot and the goal and all it needed was an attacker to be there and he was nowhere to be seen.

    That also applies to Iain Russell who either is nowhere near fit enough or is done as an effective footballer.  Could be harsh on him here as he clearly needs a competent strike partner.

    We need to be careful to watch our right hand side as Mullen was constantly being left to deal with a 2 on 1 as Graham Taylor wasn't back helping out.  We all know Mullen is a reliable player but he can't handle that every game.

    Other than that the team looked alright.  Todd was doing grand until his back injury while Glass was solid.  In midfield that was one of the best games I've seen Kyle Miller have while Herd and Clarke looked fine. Swann looked excellent when he came off the bench and I'm sure he'll be starting with Clarke out.

  3. 1 minute ago, Briggsy's Ghost said:

    It’s a very strong challenge tbf. I think it’s deemed a good strong tackle if no-one gets injured but unfortunately they did and given the recent unnecessary force rule he’s probably lucky not to see red. Still think every manger in the league would expect their player to go for that ball! The histrionics from all corners of the ground afterwards didn’t paint anyone in a good light and all whilst the player was still getting treatment.

    Think the Cowden management team have had many issues with Gavin Ross in the past which wouldn't have helped! 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Briggsy's Ghost said:

    He seemed very annoyed at everyone given the language and as Price was trying to get the Elgin players together out of the way I doubt he was checking which way  Bollan was facing as he told everyone to f**k Off!

    Gary could have reacted better agreed. Don't think either set of benches came out of it looking good. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Briggsy's Ghost said:

    Fair enough! Did Price know he wasn't talking to him? I'm pretty sure most of the crowd ( myself included) assumed he was shouting at the Elgin bench hence the verbals coming back. 

    Considering that Gary was facing the pitch shouting it I'd be surprised if people thought it was at the Elgin bench. Why would he be annoyed at the Elgin manager? 

  6. 9 minutes ago, MorayCup said:

    I think this Screenshot along with the Trajectory of the ball after the challenge confirm he got the ball and then the man, just one of those things we often see in football. Really unfortunate for the guy, I hope he makes a speedy recovery

    screenshot - 2020-11-28T173310.666.jpeg

    There was far too much force in the tackle is the issue. Doesn't matter if he got the ball or not. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Thom & Gerry said:

    I think dominating is a bit of an exaggeration! Stats would disagree with you also. You’ve had your moments but we should have more.

    Up until the 2nd goal we were the better team. One off the line and could have had a pen. 

    Lucky as hell to have scored first this half though. Elgin should have been 3 up before the free kick. 

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