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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. We got a new car last weekend and today was the first time I got to drive it.  Literally a 5 minute journey at lunch from my home to work for a wee practice.  I'm just turning into the car park when she suddenly says "STOP.." so I slam on the brakes.  

    There was no danger. No other cars. No pedestrians.

    Turns out that whenever I turned the steering wheel the leather was making an annoying noise against my hand.  She wanted me to stop making the noise.

    Least we know the brakes on this car are pretty damn good.

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Nightfly said:

    I visit the FISO forum from time to time and they have been having practice runs with drafts this week. I took part last night.  

    It took about 35 minutes for the 9 players to make their picks. I had the 3rd and 7th picks in alternate rounds. Unfortunately, I was not very successful when drafting from my Samsung phone. Clicking on the players I wanted did not seem to register, so instead I was given the highest rated player on my Watch List. I also found that I had to refresh the page to keep up with all the other players as they made their picks.

    It was only a practice though and I am in another draft, for real, at the weekend.  

    I used that forum a wee bit last season before work blocked the webpage.  Certainly helped as I finished about 500000 places higher than usual!

  3. 3 hours ago, The Nightfly said:

    A H2H league (with end of season knock out rounds) for 20 people to join.  927380-259862

    I've joined.  Won my H2H least season despite finishing 6th in the league and having no clue about the knock outs until I was in the semi final :lol:

  4. On 7/21/2017 at 09:49, RiG said:

    This is possibly one of my favourite scenes in the earlier episodes of TBBT.


    Weirdly I watched that episode last night.  This was some of the best run of episodes in the early series.  The Christmas episode where Sheldon receives the autographed dirty Leonard Nimoy napkin is one of my all time favourites.


  5. 7 minutes ago, MSU said:

    Went to see The Big Sick last night -- a kind of autobiographical story of how Kumail Nanjiani (out of off of The Silicon Valley) met the woman who would become his wife, Emily Gordon. So he's Pakistani, she's white, his mother is trying to set him up with every single Pakistani woman in Chicago. He can't tell his mother about Emily, she freaks out about this, they split up and then she gets sick and ends up in a coma, and he ends up hanging out with her parents (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano) in the hospital. As romantic comedies go where the leading lady is asleep for three-quarters of the movie, it's pretty good, heart-felt stuff; funny when it needs to be. Ray Romano is surprisingly good and Kumail Nanjiani can do no wrong in my eyes. Recommended. 7/10

    Quite looking forward to seeing this myself. Glad to hear it doesn't disappoint!

  6. 13 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    @crazysandra101 is well worth a follow. A "professional football analyst" who's blog https://crazysandra.wordpress.com/ will give you tips and insights into the beautiful game that the ordinary fan can't see.

    Also one of the more perceptive tweeters out there 


    Just had a read of her blog.  

    "3. Encourage top players to play in UCL. Make sure that the worlds top players are in the competition. We need players of the quality of Messi, Pogba and CR7Genius to be playing in the competition every year. Uefa needs to be 100% sure that they’ll be playing football in the Champions League. One way they could do this is offer their families free (or subsidised) tickets to the Champions League final to make them want to play in it more. Another idea is to advertise the Champions League on TV saying its the top football competition in Europe."

    It's well worth a read.  

  7. I've started this again a few weeks back.  Currently on season 2 and it's better than I remember it being.

    You forget how great Howard was back then - 

    Wolowitz: “Penny, let me take this opportunity to point out that you are looking particularly ravishing today.”
    Penny: “Not with a thousand condoms, Howard.”
    Wolowitz: “So there IS a number.”


  8. 21 hours ago, The Mouth said:

    On the face of it colville have won the scottish cup past 2 seasons. After you won it first time fair enough go out and strengthen the squad a little. After colvilles 2nd scottish cup success I personally would have had a sit down with all players find out whos staying which I presume would be most if not all. Why go out and strengthen again michael? Never knew about the signing of 3 players from bannockburn until just there. Seems there no real need to sign them to me. 2 scottish in a row mind. Making it real difficult for others wouldn't you agree?

    Thread in the Amateur forum called "Worrying Times" and there's been a wonderful debate about Colville FC.  The guy above actually saying that they shouldn't be strengthening their team as they won the cup two years in a row has provoked a bit of a debate!

  9. On 6/27/2017 at 20:56, Sonsteam of 08 said:

    Clyde are his (or her) team, so I'll assume them. Another one to the good guys list - great work Clyde, I won't begrudge you the three Betfred Cup points you'll take from us in a few weeks :)

    Confirmed Good Guys

    Albion Rovers
    Dunfermline Athletic
    Queen of the South

    Excited to see The Blue Brazil make the hallowed list

  10. As if by magic I now have the text from the programme -


    Thank you for your recent e-mail and accompanying letter on this subject.  The Board of Cowdenbeath FC have considered the matter and I can reply on the club’s behalf as follows:

    Firstly, I can advise that it would not be Cowdenbeath FC’s intention to enter a Colt team into the League pyramid. 

    Secondly, we can provide feedback from our perspective on the outline proposal.  There is a need to strike a balance where possible between what is appropriate for Cowdenbeath FC and what is for the good of the game in Scotland.  If we look at the disadvantages/advantages as detailed in the paper sent to us we don’t disagree that there is possibly potential merit in younger players being exposed to playing against stronger, more experienced players on a regular basis albeit there is no barrier to any club playing players aged 17-21 in their first team in the first place.  If we look at the advantages listed, the first 4 items are all positives for the few larger clubs who are likely to be willing and able to field a Colt side on the basis envisaged – which of course is rather in line with the overall Project Brave ethos. 

    The final two advantages listed which might have more relevance to clubs such as Cowdenbeath FC are less than compelling – further ventilation in the League pyramid is not really being achieved by allowing existing League clubs to field a second team in the Pyramid structure.  Rather true ventilation will be better achieved by resolving the anomaly whereby the juniors stand outwith the Pyramid – clubs such as our neighbours Kelty Hearts might indeed set an example that does lead to true ventilation.  Then it is suggested that larger colt teams may attract a reasonable support – there is no evidence to suggest this from last year’s Irn-Bru Cup and other than an Old Firm colt derby we don’t perceive this as being very likely especially when matches are taking place at the same time as the Club’s 1st XI. 

    The disadvantages listed are all moot.  The nascent pyramid/Lowland League arrangements are making progress and could be derailed by a diversion away from the basic aim of opening up the National leagues to more clubs via a pathway system.  Colt teams would dilute the competition and obstruct clubs moving up and down the pyramid.  Again in League One or Two if Colt teams were to win the title it would mean comparatively little to the parent club but would deprive a community of the thrill of its club being champions.  Then if Colt teams occupied say 3 out of 6 of the top positions in League One or Two that implies that a club finishing in seventh place could possibly end up winning promotion in a play-off.  10 team Leagues are not at all suitable for Colt teams – we believe in Spain and Germany that leagues where colt teams can gravitate to have at least 18 clubs. 

    It is also fairly simple to glean that in respect of the viewpoint of the paying customer/the Scottish football fan that supporters of the larger clubs which may choose to run such Colts sides may well be broadly in favour as their own sides will never play against a colt team in all likelihood whilst the vast majority of fans of clubs in League One or Two would react adversely to what they would perceive as an imposition – they do not view their club as being in the business of providing a development platform for other clubs.

    Thus we would not support Colt teams being admitted to the Pyramid – it presumably remains possible for Colt teams to play in the East of Scotland League as they have done in the past but they should not advance beyond that level.  The old ‘C’ Division of the late 1940s/early 1950s of course mixed 2nd XI’s and 1st Xi’s and was not a great success.   The replacement of the Development League by a Reserve League might help matters albeit may not be a panacea.  More player loans rather than less may be part of the solution – it might help develop a player more if he is removed from the club conveyor belt of just progressing through the ranks with the same team-mates but rather goes out on loan and out of a ‘comfort zone’  to learn of the challenges and realities that say part-time professionals face in a less cossetted environment. 

    Anyway, hopefully the foregoing provides some food for thought and no doubt there will be a range of viewpoints in the feedback you receive. 


  11. 13 hours ago, Stu said:

    Aye, it's well known sport just stops over the summer :rolleyes:

    Rangers Record boycott latest: https://www.rangersobserver.com/views/2017/7/16/rangers-fans-unite-in-daily-record-campaign


    12 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    Rangers supporters are making a habit of coming together, uniting in the thousands and changing things for the better and it appears over the past few days we have found another cause in defence of our club. 

    We marched on Hampden, led by legend Sandy Jardine, to show the SFA that we wouldn’t stand for the sanctions they were looking to impose back in 2012. We protested outside the main entrance to Ibrox and boycotted Sports Direct to tell Mike Ashley to keep his hands off our magnificent stadium.



    They even finish their own update with -

    "We don’t know how the Daily Record senior management have reacted to the last few days, or even if they know about it."


  12. 35 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Does she work in an abattoir? Never heard of dressing up to go to the pictures.

    She doesn't like wearing her work clothes at the cinema.  Would rather sit in jeans etc.  I couldn't agree more - I hate going in my shirt and would much rather go in a t-shirt.

    Turns out she dreamt me saying I didn't want to go :huh:

  13. Discussed yesterday going to the cinema today and I said that it would depend on what time I get away from work but I'm keen. 

    Today she heads to work without a change of clothes and I ask her why not - "you said you didn't want to go".

    No I said that I wanted to go but after having had 3 days off work and this being my first day back I don't know what time I'd manage to get away.

    Then again I'm sitting on Pie and Bovril so could probably make any showing :lol:

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