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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. 3 minutes ago, thepundit said:

    He had a much higher win ratio at Genk and in Egypt than McInnes has at Aberdeen. (and Tommy Wright)

    Not sure how you can say his time at Rangers is irrelevant. He was up against a team with far more money at won 7 trophies in 3 seasons. And you think that's irrelevant?...

    From Wiki - 

    Genk - 35 matches with 18 wins = 51.43%

    McInnes at Aberdeen - 200 matches with 116 wins = 58%

    Now it is Wiki so need to be taken with a pinch of salt.  In fairnes he did have a 60% win rate in Egypt but only managed 10 games.

  2. Not putting CDs back in the right box.  Nothing worse than being in a hurry, getting in the car and heading off.  Go to put on a CD (Foo Fighters etc) and open the case to find a Taylor Swift CD in it.

    This then leads to the following sort of chain -

    Taylor Swift case has a Jason Derulo CD

    Jason Derulo has The Weekend 

    The Weekend case is empty.

    Foo Fighters is sitting out wedged in between the CDs.


    Repeat this with DVD's as well.

  3. 21 hours ago, Co.Down Hibee said:

    I was hoping there'll be more but they're going to have to up their game, there were some cracking moments in the last series but some rank stuff too,the episode with Fergie was embarrassingly bad and Methadone Mick is just shite. Overall the last series was meh!

    Agree with this.  Was delighted at the last stage show though as I thought it was class.  

    It's the hope that gets you!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Jeek said:

    - Utter refusal to see any other point of view, simultaneously having a go at me because I wont see the other point of view(usually when she's wrong but wont admit it).

    -  Mrs Jeek; "I'll run you a bath" if i'm coming home from 5's or something, then i come home to "I just nipped in before you", borderline acceptable until i get in and it's all moisturiser and glitter and I go into work the next day shimmering like a fcuking Disney princess!


    And my continual nightmate;

    -        Jeek getting back from work before her; "what do you fancy for tea?"  

             Mrs Jeek; "anything, i'm not that fussy"

             Jeek; what about *insert myriad of culinary delights*?

             Mrs Jeek; "hmmm naah"

             Jeek; "kaaay, what about *insert another myriad*"

             Mrs Jeek; "hmmm nah, not really feeling that"

             Jeek; "what do you want then"

             Mrs Jeek; "Anything I told you, I'm not fussy"

             Jeek(with added tone); "Right well I want this."

             Mrs Jeek; "mmm, nah not tonight"

            Jeek; **Triggered** goes in huff / goes and sits on P&B for half an hour before getting some shite out the freezer

            Mrs Jeek: "how come you're grumpy tonight"

    at least once a week

    This times a million.

    Future Mrs Minertaur - "I can't be arsed cooking - fancy a take away?"

    Minertaur - "Yeah! What you thinking?"

    Future Mrs Minertaur - "Anything"

    Minertaur - "Pizza?"

    Future Mrs Minertaur "Maybe..."

    Minertaur - "Is there anything you really fancy?"

    Future Mrs Minertaur "Nah - just you pick and I'll be happy"

    Minertaur - "Perfect - pizza it is!"

    *Order pizza*

    Future Mrs Minertaur - "I'm not really in the mood for pizza - was in the mood for a chinese"

    Related image

  5. 32 minutes ago, eindhovendee said:

    In my house it is the bin, doesn't matter if it is the bin in the kitchen or even worse the small bin in the bathroom.

    No matter how fucking full it is they can always balance one more item on it. It must take the missus or young lass longer to leave something on it than just empty it.

    I have tried leaving them full but the rubbish piles up around it so it looks like a binman's strike is ongoing.

    The Eindhovendee house -



  6. I'm still addicted to this but have reached my peak in terms of the competitive matches.  Now just do the non competitive ones and it's much more enjoyable.  Played a 4v4 last night and I've never seen the ball get stuck in a corner for so long - think there was a 3 minute spell where my team couldn't clear it and I made about 4 saves :lol:

  7. 10 minutes ago, deej said:

    Mine switches sockets off relentlessly. I get it if it's not going to be used for a while, but when it's the TV and the box takes about 5 minutes to load when it's been switched off, just fucking leave it on. The tellys been switched off (not on standby) so what's the fucking point. 

    I remember once I got on the train down from her flat and popped the laptop on for a go at football manager, to be confronted with a low battery warning. This puzzled me as I'd plugged it in to charge overnight beforehand, and left me seething as I got about 10 minutes into the 2 hour journey before it gave up. 

    She's also never fucking wrong but I've a feeling that's a female thing and not her specifically. 

    I got my fiance a battery pack for her Christmas as she always moans that her phone is nearly dead by the time she is finished her work.  

    I don't think she's charged it once since I initially charged it.  I went away for a stag do last month and took the battery pack with me for the train down.  Left Aberdeen and hadn't gotten past Stonehaven before it ran out of juice.  I had asked her the morning before if it was charged and I got a "yeh" in reply.  Text her when I got to my parents house and got the charger on and turns out she didn't recall us having the conversation.  

    She will also never charge the iPad unless it's down to the final 10%.  I do surveys to earn extra income and sometimes they can take about 20 minutes to complete with videos to watch. 9% iPad drains very quickly!

  8. 54 minutes ago, Widge said:

    I don't have many, but the one that I don't get is when making tea. She'll leave the teabag and spoon on the wee rest thing. That's fine if you're going to reuse the bag, but I think the record was 8 teabags and spoons, it looked like some weird metal Xmas tree. Just put the bag in the bloody bin that way you don't need to wash the spoon either! I just don't get it!

    This.  They tend to be put in the wee side sink thing and just build up overtime.  Eventually I get pissed off with the dozen or so teabags blocking the drain. 

    Sticking with the tea theme - it's far too hard once you've finished your tea to then put the mug into the dishwasher.  Heck apparently even lifting it off the floor to take through to the kitchen is too much of a hassle.  Record is 4 cups with varying levels of cold tea dregs remaining before she asked me to take dishes through from the living room.  Left the tea cups as the dishwasher was turned on and she's only left 1 lying around since.

  9. 41 minutes ago, LondonHMFC said:

    They were absolutely brilliant, loved giving a wind up. 


      Reveal hidden contents

    It did annoy me a bit at the end that they had to run about a mile and a half further than English and her husband. Thought they were going to get caught when the lad had to sit down.


    Agreed with what you said in the spoiler.  Didn't like the whole idea of it anyway - seemed stupid considering how hard it is anyway.

  10. 4 minutes ago, LondonHMFC said:

    How under the thumb was her husband? 

    David who used to be a gangster also annoyed me a fair amount. 

    Two Muslims were quality, seemed genuinely nice people.

    Aye the husband was a massive pushover.  "Don't phone your sister" "I've already dialled" :lol:


    Loved the escape game guys flying in the partner for a quick visit as well!

  11. 18 minutes ago, LondonHMFC said:

    Ended up binge watching the whole thing, all set up. Loads of little bits and pieces that pointed to this. British one was a lot better. 

    I agree the British one was better but I still quite enjoyed this one.  Seriously disliked English though - she seems like an absolute nightmare!


  12. Just had one of those career matches where the game seems to decide that my strikers won't score any chances.  Had chances galore including a tap in where instead of shooting my player mis-controlled it about a yard wide. Also hit the post and had a shot deflect about an inch wide.

    Then of course in the last minute my right back passes the ball straight to Andros Townsend who launches it into the top corner. 

    Game finished 1-0.  I had 15 shots with just 4 on target while of course Palace scored with their only attempt. 

  13. Renton to me is a top end League 1 striker.  If you keep Spence then the two of them up front together will be fantastic. Renton works his arse off and was deservedly our player of the year last season.  I'd say his biggest flaw is finishing but he's fantastic at linking play up, holding the ball up and creating chances.  Great in the air and good with his feet.

    Go and stop signing our best strikers every season? :lol:

  14. Played a game earlier.  I was utterly horrendous in a 5-4 OT loss.  It's amazing how not playing for a couple of weeks can affect how I play.  House to myself this weekend so will be playing a fair bit!

  15. 5 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

    Me and you can be the official "Renton is not dross like most of the Cowden team" fan club. He's not a miracle worker and can't do much with aimless balls punted up the park with no team mates within 50 yards to help him but he makes controlling the ball and finding a pass under pressure a piece of piss and uses his wide arse to knock defenders about.

    He's our most important player.  If Dunfermline were to be after anybody in our team it would be Jamie Sneddon.  He's the only player in our team capable of playing at this level.

  16. "Let's get Ariana Grande's song ( one last time) to no1 for 22 weeks.. the last song these beautiful kids heard.. 22 lives, 22 weeks.. we have the power!!! [emoji178][emoji56]
    Please copy and paste"

    Nice gesture and all that but have seen it about 10 times in the paat couple of hours.

  17. This article has a fair few decent lines - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/opinion/sport/scottish-game-needs-over-itself-10442259

    "Part-time football is a prime example. It’s almost a dirty word in Scottish - and British - football. It’s up there with leprosy. The way it’s viewed we should be making some sides wear bells on the pitch."

    "We’re going to have to face facts, we are fast approaching the stage where players are going to realise it’s just not feasible to have football as their main job in Scotland if you are playing outside the top 14 or 15 clubs"

    It's not a horrendous article overall but the leprosy comment made me chuckle.

  18. The American version of Hunted is on 4OD and I watched the first episode last night. It looks promising...

    So far we've had one couple who had smartly written down a day by day plan as to where they were going to stay on their calendar but tore that page out.  Not realising that they'd written so hard that they could just look at the next month and read every word!

    Although a special shout out to the morons who withdrew money at a bus terminal before boarding a bus from the same place.  Caught as soon as the bus reached its destination :lol: 

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