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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. 1 minute ago, Shandon Par said:

    I thought one of the Cowden posters would've known the llama but it's a mystery. My pal said the person seemed perfectly normal. That beach must be somewhere between North Queensferry and Inverkeithing. 

    I have no idea who the Cowden man could be.  I am determined to find out though.  This will be getting a mention in the next programme to try and get the owner to come forward :lol: 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

    I put the pic on a Cowden thread a couple of years back but my pal was walking along the beach one day and bumped into a Cowden fan with his pet llama. The llama was wearing a Cowden scarf. 

    The love for Cowdenbeath FC crosses all species. The llama was probably a Cowden fan first and converted his owner.

  3. Now I haven't seen the incident but Barry Ferguson backs the referee re the late penalty call in yesterdays match.



    "Madden has made an honest decision and when the game was finished I made a point of going back and watching the incident at least five times. Hill did get the ball when Griffiths is coming down and his first point of contact is possibly on the player but he gets a touch on the ball and the referee has made his decision based on that."

    Sorry Baz but if he get's the player first that's a foul.

  4. 10 hours ago, Ramagamma said:

    Mostly Yakuza Zero and Titanfall 2 at the moment, got Horizon next on the rental list and pre ordered Persona 5 for April 4th release.



    On 3/8/2017 at 13:25, Ramagamma said:

    Dont get me wrong 1 to 3 were great but the minute someone is invested enough in a series to pre order things then I don't think you can trust them as a serious source of opinions.

    That's just me though, i would never pre order a videogame, its just not good business.


  5. On 3/2/2017 at 23:49, accies1874 said:

    Doing a Spurs career and have been landed with this belter of a run in:
    Wednesday: Champions League tie with Barcelona
    Friday: Title clash with Man City
    Sunday: EFL Cup Final
    I fucking hate the fixtures in this game.

    This happens every year and actually saw my team knocked out the Champions League one season.  My pro was too unfit to play and our (Aberdeen) 2-0 away first leg win over PSG turned into a 4-2 aggregate loss. I was raging.

  6. Super Ally demands investment - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ally-mccoist-says-rangers-no-9992700


    “Honest to God, I don’t think it’s rocket science. Until there is investment, I think we will be having this conversation next year and the year after. It’s a fact the club needs financial investment"

    “I just detect the patience of the Rangers fans – and the majority are fantastic – is wearing thin. There wouldn’t be a club if it wasn’t for the way the supporters rallied in the first couple of years after administration and then liquidation."

    "There were special circumstances for the club going into administration and liquidation. There was the crash. I know for a fact the debt at Rangers Football Club at that particular time was 100 per cent manageable. There were alternate motives or reasons for the club going into administration and liquidation. As you know the vast majority of clubs run at a debt. Rangers’ was manageable then.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ramagamma said:

    Those were sincere recommendations but by all means continue playing black ops 1 if that's truley the zenith of your videogaming experiences.

    What the


    I never said it was "the zenith of my videogaming experience".  I said I've played it a bit lately because it became backwards compatible and it's a game I have a lot of good memories with. Do you ever play old games?  

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ramagamma said:

    I mean yeah pretty much its see man shoot man, I'm not sure why you are convinced there has been some massive refinement in call of duty for the past 12 games.

    Perhaps you should try a modern first person shooter that has made strides to improve the genre, i can suggest Doom or Wolfenstein New Order as good starters


    Gee thanks for the recommendations.  I'd never have heard of those games without your input. Aren't we lucky to have somebody with such a vast gaming knowledge on the board.


  9. You are being pretty moronic claiming that call of duty has some kind of game to game variance.

    Aye cause theres no difference between Black ops and the recent games involving jumping. No difference at all.

  10. I mean yeah nice effort at an ironic Shitpost but playing black ops in 2017 sounds a bit dim to me and that's without considering how thoroughly amazing this year has been for videogames so far.

    Like at what point do you not get into the latest CoD or even better why would you play a 7 year old multiplayer shooter whose autistic ADHD fanbase rushes off to buy the latest carbon copy sequel at 1201 every launchday.

    It's a game which I have a lot of memories off and it became backwards compatible on Xbox 1. Still love it. I've played a couple of the mote recent CODs and they just aren't as fun.

    That's right. I play the games I think are fun. God forbid somebody plays a game that I don't find fun. WHAT A MORON that person would be.
  11. 2 hours ago, Ramagamma said:

    Gratz on playing ancient games everyone else was done with 15 years ago.


    What is the cut off for playing games then?  I still play Call of Duty Black Ops every now and then which was released in 2010.  Must be pretty close to ancient?

  12. On 3/5/2017 at 10:21, Cardinal Richelieu said:

    Ramagamma absolutely apoplectic that another poster has decided to buy a Nintendo console for his son.

    First post on page 6 is a particular lowlight. 


    44 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    Sake... what thread is this?

    I didn't see the post from a couple pages back!

  13. On 3/3/2017 at 14:26, Ramagamma said:

    Upset? I'm not upset, I'm concerned that idiots like you are excited to buy a nintendo switch. Hopefully there are so few of you around that Nintendo suffers a collosal failure and realises they can't cut it in the console market.

    Hopefully when the little shit is finished with Zelda you'll get a decent price on the second hand market to buy them a decent console. That or you can trade it in for yet another graphics card upgrade for your mediocre rig.


    On 3/3/2017 at 13:37, Ramagamma said:

    Ps its been proven that it has more extreme frame rate issues on the Switch. That's right the brand new console runs its single note worthy title WORSE than the console its supposed to replace.

    Do you know why this is? Ill tell you, its because Nintendo knows there are legions of fucktards like you desperate to give them money regardless of what's on offer. They are literally laughing at you with one eye on the bank statement.

    Its actually wild how little self worth anyone who buys a switch must have. Literally fucking mind blowing.

    But hey as long as you can afford it, open your mouth wide and let them shovel that shite in.

    Bizzare. Fucking bizarre.

    Ramagamma not rattled at all :lol:

  14. 1 hour ago, troopio said:

    The store is lucky as it is not often you see that miserable sod smiling!!

    As for the Stadium this caper is why I hate being Aberdonian and from this area. I have never come across a more up itself set of people in all my life, here we stand with a chance to help make our only senior football club progress, to potentially become bigger, to offer jobs, facilities for the community etc and as usual the snobs and jobsworth brigade come up with reasons to want to reject it, probably the same people who reject EVERY single proposal the city has probably because it may effect things like their precious house values etc etc.

    Why is it that Dundee, which for some reason is maligned unfairly by Aberdonians, is a better city than Aberdeen in pretty much everything atm can look at a new stadium being built and the reaction is largely positive yet as always in Aberdeen a huge song and dance is made about it? It took 40 years for us to get a bypass, probably be another 100 years before they dual the road to Inverness. For a City that prides itself on its affluence and links to Industry we are nothing more than a glorified town with a backwater inward way of thinking and it has to stop.

    That a club the size of Aberdeen still doesn't have its own training ground, even St Mirren have one, is a total disgrace and says all you need to know about how things work up here. Quite simply this needs to happen as we need to move forward as a city and a region, lets get behind the Club and drive it forward.


    Spot on.  I was down in Dundee last week and the amount of developments getting done there was great to see. Aberdeen there's nothing except that God awful building opposite Marischal College. 

    I do enjoy reading The Say No To Kingsford FB page.  Very few valid points ever raised on it.

  15. The Daily Record replies to The Times.


    The articles ends with "Rangers' Barrie McKay is starting to recapture the form which earned him plaudits last season."  Is he?

    There's also Scotlands young talent coming through - "from Rangers starlet Billy Gilmour to Celtic teen Karamoko Dembele , European football's big guns are sniffing around our highly-rated youngsters." Is there no other youngsters at any other clubs? They mention Keiran Tierney, Moussa Dembele etc. Not one non Old Firm player is mentioned until the last few lines which mention Johnny Hayes and Jamie Walker.

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