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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Barry Ferguson chats about how Rangers players need to toughen up - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-stars-must-realise-how-9788375

    "So there I was at Morrisons the other day, looking for a box of Shreddies Max.

    I can’t find them and I’m starting to get agitated, walking up and down the cereal aisle, face like thunder. This woman walks up and asks if I need a hand.

    She kindly helps me out and points me in the right direction. So I thank her very much and put them in my shopping trolley.

    The next thing I see these three teenage boys laughing at me. One of them shouts something I can’t repeat in the pages of a family newspaper and I respond by saying something along the lines of ‘Wee man, I’ll wrap this trolley around your heid and knock you into those f***** Frosties over there!

    Five minutes later I’m at the yogurt fridge. Raging. And I’m looking around to see where they’ve gone.’" 

    "Archie Knox? I had bad dreams about this guy. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with my bed soaking"

    Best part obviously being that the kids say something I can't repeat in a family newspaper before stating that he'd "wrap this trolley around your heid and knock you into those f***** Frosties over there" :lol:


    Incredibly though -

    "Me? I’ll be taking my team to Ayr United tomorrow looking to become the first Clyde side in something like 40 years to reach the Scottish Cup quarter-finals.

    We’re massive underdogs but we want to go there and show that we can play football. And, yes, that fear of losing will be what drives me on."

    Never mentions his club but as soon as they beat Brora, Arbroath and Stirling in the Cup he's highlight how incredible a job he's doing!  Only problem is that it isn't 40 years since they made the quarter finals - it happened in 2004-05!



  2. Fiance got me Call of Duty Infinite Warfare as an anniversary present. This of course includes Modern Warfare Remastered which is what I have been dying to play ever since it was released.

    Installed last night.  Had to do updates for the games.  About 4 hours of downloading for the 2 games and so far -

    30% for Infinite Warfare

    6% for MWR.

    Going by my download speeds I should be able to play both games by March 12th :lol:

  3. 10 minutes ago, RiG said:

    It might be considered by some to be pretty sad but if you know when and where you are travelling to set up a ticket alert and you can bag a £5 single (£10 First Class). I've saved a fortune travelling north for ICT games doing this. Just takes a wee bit of organisation.

    This is something I've started to do more - off to see Still Game this weekend and return tickets to Aberdeen for 2 was over £100.

    My fiance and her sister are off to Bruno Mars in April and return tickets in total was just over £20.  Away to book tickets for my brothers stag at the end of April which will be less than £20 again.  As long as you know 3 months in advance then you're fine!

  4. I'm determined to start some sort of fitness regime - getting married next March and would like to be in better shape.  Currently 15 stone and would like to get that down to 14 before our pre wedding photo shoot (thankfully not booked yet).

    Any suggestions on decent apps on android to help?  Can't really afford a gym membership but do go out running once in a blue moon.

  5. 9 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

    My favourite bit of this is the comments on the Crowdfunding page by people who have donated - 

    "I live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and may never see the store or the statue. I like to think, though, that I can help it become a reality that will honor Brutus "fur-ever.""

    "It always made me smile when I saw Brutus in store at Morrisons. I took a photo Christmas 2016 sitting on a pile of boxes he looked like a king on his throne"

    " I never met you Brutus but you made so many lives better. I hope you are plying with my niece Tabitha up there xxx"

    "RIP Gorgeous Brutus. Gone but never forgotten I never met you but as a cat lover & morrisons colleague you touched my heart "

    "a lovely cat my little lad loved to stroke"

    "Brutus will be sorely missed. I will stroke the head of Brutus' statue as did with him. He brought a smile to my face with every trip to Morrisons."

    "We'll miss seeing Brutus, he was the reason we started shopping in Morrisons Saltney. Will be lovely to see a statue there. Their little furry feet leave imprints on our hearts xxxx"

    "So sorry to loose such a distinguished gentleman but all the best in reaching your target."


    Some people have actually donated £50.00 for cat they've never met who hung around a shop they've never visited. 

    Actually scratch that.  My new favourite is - 



  6. On 2/3/2017 at 22:33, Redstarstranraer said:

    One of my mates down south is a Chester fan and brought this to my attention.  Apparently a Morrisons down there used to be frequented by a cat that hung around the entrance, sat on trolleys etc.  It died.  Now the owner is trying to get the public to stump up 5 grand to 'immortalise' their pet in statue form outside their local supermarket:

    I'm trying to raise money for a statue of Brutus at Morrisons in his memory but for some reason I don't think Facebook actually sends posts with links in to all his followers' news feeds, therefore his Just Giving page isn't really getting out there as much as it could. Here is the link below but I've put a space in it. Just copy it if you can into your browser and remove the space before 'com'. Thanks so much 

    www.justgiving. com/crowdfunding/Brutus

    Or PayPal email address:...

    See more
    Image may contain: cloud, cat, sky and text

    Ridiculous enough, but the cause was supposedly taken up by certain Chester fans who suggested trying to organise a collection before their next home game in honour of a dead cat:


    Thank you to all who contributed to the discussion on the other thread devachat.freeforums.net/thread/37/rip-sir-ken-morrison 

    As mentioned we have sourced buckets and now someone has said they can sort out laminated pictures of Brutus and Ken for them. All donations will go to the crowdfunder that has raised over £2300 so far.

    A few have said they will be doing the applause on the 85 minute so thank you - and I hope many of you join in.

    Does anyone have contacts in the local papers who can help raise the profile of this? 


    In case you're wondering the Ken whose memory they also apparently want to honour is Sir Ken Morrison the former chairman of Morrisons who also died recently.  He was from Yorkshire and had nothing at all to do with Chester FC.  His death seemingly just compounded the tragedy of poor Brutus's passing to the extent some Chester fans feel they need to hold a minute's applause for him.

    Evidently most Chester fans are ripping the proverbial out of these ideas and the initial suggestion must surely have been a wind up.  Some are taking it deadly seriously though so tomorrow may well see some football fans in one corner of the UK collect money for a dead cat and applauding a dead grocer.

    The crowdfunding effort is sitting at 2,497 quid if anyone wants to donate:


    Weʼre raising £5,000 to have a statue of Brutus the Morrisons Cat made in his memory and placed in Morrisons, Saltney where he can still greet his adoring fans.

    Brutus has won the hearts of thousands of local Morrisons shoppers as well as his Facebook followers from all over the world (www.facebook.com/brutusthesaltneycat). He's been visiting the store since it was built in 2010 and became a familiar face to those who regularly shopped in Morrisons, Saltney. He delighted children and adults alike with his cheeky 'cattitude', investigating shopping in people's trolleys as they left the store, jumping into cars to investigate, sneaking down the pet food aisle to see what kind of offers were on, and just generally being there daily for everyone to love and fuss. He had a gorgeous fluffy face and strutted around like he owned the place, oh and he loved the camera!
    In October 2013 he was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. It's a condition he would have had since birth and sadly there is no cure. We managed this for 3 years with special food, daily medication and regular checks at Ben Jones vets. In January 2016 he became poorly and ended up in Chester Gates veterinary hospital. Luckily he pulled through that time and won their pet of the month award. His condition remained stable for another year however sadly New Years Eve 2016 was the last time Brutus was to visit Morrisons. He took another bad turn and this time, although he had another visit to Chester Gates he didn't recover and on Monday 16th January 2017 we had to make the extremely heartbreaking decision to put him to sleep.
    We are devastated, but there are also thousands of devastated fans locally, nationally and internationally! The number of messages I've received have been overwhelming. It makes us happy to know that he brightened so many peoples lives. We thought that a memorial to honour Brutus is only fitting, so that people can still say hello to him and have something to remember him by. Many people have expressed their wish for something to be placed in Morrisons, so this is what we are raising the money for, plus also for local animal charities.


    My favourite bit of this is the comments on the Crowdfunding page by people who have donated - 

    "I live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and may never see the store or the statue. I like to think, though, that I can help it become a reality that will honor Brutus "fur-ever.""

    "It always made me smile when I saw Brutus in store at Morrisons. I took a photo Christmas 2016 sitting on a pile of boxes he looked like a king on his throne"

    " I never met you Brutus but you made so many lives better. I hope you are plying with my niece Tabitha up there xxx"

    "RIP Gorgeous Brutus. Gone but never forgotten I never met you but as a cat lover & morrisons colleague you touched my heart "

    "a lovely cat my little lad loved to stroke"

    "Brutus will be sorely missed. I will stroke the head of Brutus' statue as did with him. He brought a smile to my face with every trip to Morrisons."

    "We'll miss seeing Brutus, he was the reason we started shopping in Morrisons Saltney. Will be lovely to see a statue there. Their little furry feet leave imprints on our hearts xxxx"

    "So sorry to loose such a distinguished gentleman but all the best in reaching your target."


    Some people have actually donated £50.00 for cat they've never met who hung around a shop they've never visited. 

  7. 3rd episode is also excellent.  Not had a chance to sit and watch this properly but it's brilliant TV. 

    EDIT - just seen the 4th and the ending with Vince basically spending 5 minutes telling a story was fantastic. So menacing.

  8. 13 hours ago, nelsjfc said:

    This would have been too easy for neighbours.

    The actress that played Dee is back but she is, er, pretending to be Dee. She's turned up with her daughter, who she's forcing to pretend to be Toady's daughter, while toady's wife is carrying a the baby of Steph's fiancé, while Steph herself is indeed "lezzyin' it up" but with a random.

    Honestly it's the wife that watches it.


    My fiance has this on all the time and I can't help watch (mainly for Paige!) - we've not seen the recent episodes so to hear that Dee isn't actually Dee is just fantastic :lol: The writers must have been pished when coming up with this one.

  9. 9 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

    Can't believe how under-rated Q is in this thread, he is easily the best! Joe built up a reputation of being the most ballsy at the beginning but he has lived off that since. In the later seasons Q definitely stepped it up.

    Don't dislike any of them though.

    Q will do anything basically.  His punishment were he goes through childbirth is one of the best.

  10. Seeing as you're here, why don't you tell us how Cowden are getting on? Normally teams have to go bust to go from second tier to non-league in such a short space of time but Cowden seem to be doing it on sporting merit. 

    We're certainly falling down the leagues at an impressive rate! Any decent loan players we could borrow? Somebody who can play left back preferably.

    Had heard a rumour we almost had Talbot on loan after his injury but he's been doing well since getting back - our loss!

    Thanks for asking anyway ya dick [emoji38]
  11. Hacksaw Ridge - 9/10.

    As with Sooky above I'd never heard of this story before but will certainly be looking into it more now!  Absolutely sensational film about an conscientious objector joining the army as a medic but refusing to use a rifle.  It took a while to even get into the action but the story before was brilliant. 

    The actual fight scenes are incredible as well - just constant chaos.  How Daws managed to do what he did I have no idea.

    Go see!


    Just read up on it a little bit.  

    The film does get edit some of his story. He had prior combat service and most of the stuff involving his Father isn't correct.

  12. These were published in the last week about Oliver Burke.

    Daily Mail - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4130380/Oliver-Burke-finding-feet-RB-Leipzig.html

    Daily Record - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/oliver-burke-targeted-crystal-palace-9670831

    One goes into great detail about the work he is doing in Germany with an interview with him including how he is working on the language barrier and how he hopes to develop his game to get into the team.

    One sees that Middlesborough and Palace are struggling and need an attacking player so link the guy that scored against Rangers recently.

  13. Somebody just shared a post of a child in hospital with their parents.

    "1 like = 1 $

    1 Comment = 10$

    1 Share = 100$

    Plz Don't ignore."


    This has had 209 thousand likes and God knows how many shares.  If I ever get ill and need treatment that my insurance can't afford then it's great to know that Facebook likes will provide the much needed funds.

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