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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. Not bad, videos really good. Some nice back and forth between them but large segments of you look like, he looks like banter is a bit poor. I enjoyed it though, as did mum.

    Agree with that. Looking back I can remember almost every bit of the videos but nothing about their stories! Was a good laugh though as was the warm up.

    Bit disappointed at how scripted it was but was still a good night. Worth going along just for the being creepy at the park video with Murr!
  2. In the Daily Record today (obviously not by a journalist) -

    George, Meikle, Glasgow, said: “I think Smith is bang on with his comments about Dave King.

    “How I envy Celtic enjoying shopping at Fortnum & Mason while Rangers continue to waste their money at Poundstretcher.

    “Come on Mr King it is time to open your chequebook and get Rangers back challenging Celtic again sooner rather than later.”


  3. That Walter Smith 'article' is incredible.  Highlights -

    • The Gers icon fears the support will “deteriorate” if they don’t get success and close the gap at the top
    • “But I keep hearing all the time that Rangers problems were because of debt. The strange thing is Rangers didn’t have any debt when the problems started.
    • ”For Rangers to get access to Champions League money they may have to take a gamble and risk going into debt.

    How much do we think Rangers would need to spend to compete with Celtic right now?  They'd need basically a whole new team!  Gers fans will lap it up though as it's good old Walter saying it.

  4. "That neighbour is seriously irritating me now!!! Think it flats below but not 100% sure so can't bang on door. Slammed my flat door to make a point but has had no effect!!!!! The one night I actually managed to fall asleep and the cow woke me up just before midnight and won't shut up!!! Close to calling police but nothing they can do. Might just bang on doors til I find the culprit!!!! I need to sleep!!!! Gggggrrrrrr"

    Why not go outside your flat and see if you can figure out which one it's coming from?  How the hell can you not tell if a noise is coming from below? Why post this at 1:49 in the morning when nobody will be able to reply to your attention seeking pish?  

    I've had problems with neighbours before and the best way to deal with it?  Talk to them! Who'd have thought?

  5. I used to love Scandal but it kind of lost its way I think. While it was always preposterous, there were nice little problems that they had to fix which kept it interesting but as soon as it went to Olivia moving into the White House I was done.

    Yeah its went from solving a different problem every episode to a political drama basically. Thankfully I like shkws like that.

    I'd keep watching if I was you.
  6. First few seasons are fantastic and then it just slowly drops in quality.  Excellent show at its peak though and get's a lot of criticism quite rightly for the last few seasons.

    The episode where Marshalls Dad dies is a fantastic episode. The way it counts down to 0 throughout and then the news at the end.  

  7. Just now, Tartantony said:

    You are the thickest most raging person I've ever seen on here. Me saying a two league set up does not mean 22 teams ya rocket!

    I was extremely careful in what I was saying because I wanted to show how easily people like you turn comments to suit your rage and hatred.

    Now f**k off ya diddy


    :lol::lol:  What a wonderful response.  Might make that my new signature.  Good to see you got us all wound up!


  8. 2 hours ago, Tartantony said:

    I think it would work in a 2 league set up which didn't include most of the current L1 and L2 teams because the colt teams would then be playing against a much higher standard which would develop players better.


    7 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

    I never once said we should go to 22 clubs.


    Well you basically did.  But keep going with your 'it was all a wind up' line as it's thoroughly entertaining.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

    We sign players who we think are going to be good enough or are already good enough. If they don't apply themselves that's their fault not ours.

    I haven't said anywhere that having a colt team in the lower leagues of the current system would be beneficial to Celtic or Rangers or Scottish Football. I have no idea if it would be or not but would be open to trying it out

    This is the point - if there is no actual clear benefits to anybody why should us lower league sides just accept it or be in favour it when we have the most to lose?  Perhaps there will be more money available for us but then players know this and can ask for higher wages etc.

    If the SPFL had taken their time and come up with a proposal with clear benefits for the national game then I'm sure there would be a lot more in favour.  Instead we're handed the Old Firm colts teams which has been discussed for a few years.  It's embarrassing that this is the best we can come up.

  10. Just now, Tartantony said:

    Not this argument again. Its not Celtics fault if a young player doesn't have the correct attitude and belief in himself to make the first team. I'm pretty sure if these players were actually good enough or wanted to be good enough then they would be in our first 11 as has been shown by certain players throughout the years.

    So signings players who aren't good enough for you? 

    The Colts idea is pish - can you actually explain the benefits to Celtic and Rangers of having their youth players play in the lower leagues? Then explain what the benefit will be to the rest of Scottish football? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Tartantony said:

    Don't go down the road of getting all offended because I support one of the OF Lichtie. My opinion has nothing to do with who I support. Why should the 12 to 20 biggest clubs in the Country be held to ransom by 20 absolute nobodies who offer nothing to Scottish football?

    I didn't say that colt teams would work in the current system, I said that its worth giving it a go because it works in other Country's.

    I think it would work in a 2 league set up which didn't include most of the current L1 and L2 teams because the colt teams would then be playing against a much higher standard which would develop players better.

    What amazing logic.  So when this half arsed attempt at revitalising Scottish football fails what should we try next?  The Belgian league set up? Or should we go back to copying England?

  12. Perhaps if Celtic and Rangers stopped signing all the best young talent from rivals to sit on the bench 90% of the time we might actually be able to improve our national team as players get valuable game time at the top level

    Nah let's give these talented youngsters a game against Cowdenbeath - that's just as effective.

  13. The retail staff thing comes around every year and it's the same shite.  I used to work in retail and had to get a lift from my dad from Dunfermline to catch a megabus at 10am from Dundee on Boxing Day to make my shift at Argos.  Not ideal but it was a busy shift and I got paid for extra work. 

    The big thing I've noticed this year is people complaining about places being open on Christmas Day/Boxing Day.

    Example - McDonalds posted up that some of their places will be open on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.  Some wonderful comments...

    ""Should be made to close every bank holiday. All companies should respect their workers"

    "Why in god's earth or you open on new years day give your staff a brake best get double pay for that" 

    "Still let the people who do celibate it as the holiday it is"

    "Slave hours"

    Everybody not happy and ignoring the fact that is it motorway and airport restaurants that are opening and nothing else. 

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