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Everything posted by badgerthewitness

  1. Just had a thought, which time zone is Jack Ross in? He could be waking up in LA, ready to have breakfast then break the news or perhaps he's watching the sunset in Sri Lanka, replica panda in hand & a tear in the eye...
  2. Neil McCann FFS. I think we all need a holiday. Let's pick this up again towards the end of June.
  3. So where will this desired investment come from? We can only work within our means. Granted we should've been better this season but going balls out on some debt trip would only cause problems in the long term. As an example of this, I'll give you: Falkirk Football Club, 2009-present.
  4. I reckon it could go one of two ways, either Jimmy's treatment of Chuck alienates Kim or Chuck ruins Kim to get at Jimmy. Glad I've stuck with this, it was a bit tedious in earlier seasons but is really hitting form now.
  5. Just let him vent. He's still saddle sore from the St Mirren match thread.
  6. No, it's pish. It's like something that greenie-chasing, DAFC twitter account tosser would post.
  7. Too cumbersome for anything above mid-table Championship, he reminds me of James Sharp.
  8. Not sure what to make of it. The haunted house theme was well done & David Suchet was downright creepy but I felt some of the acting among the gang of friends was brutal & the episode went to shit towards the end. I also feel I'm watching it due to nostalgia/loyalty and feel the show needs a complete reboot. More time/space travel & sci-fi concepts, please. Less emphasis on characters I couldn't care less for, particularly millenials.
  9. Clay Davis taking the stand is magnificent.
  10. Celtic will enter Champions League Qualifying Round 2. Aberdeen, Rangers & St Johnstone will enter Qualifying Round 1 of the Europa.
  11. The Big Sexy House of Lords set to back an amendment guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens in the UK. 'mon the toffs, time to take down these cheap-suited Brexit spivs! Shame the BBC sees this as a less significant headline than f*cking dragons & daffodils.
  12. BBC suggesting the next doctor could be female. I hope they don't go for a woman just to make a point, it has to be someone who fits the role. As an outside bet I'll go for Harry Lloyd. They have previous for choosing actors who have appeared in previous episodes.
  13. Looks like it's in the middle of an extensive, purpose built sports facility on reclaimed land.
  14. They really milked that ending. It reminded me of the Jabba's barge scene from Family Guy.
  15. Easy mistake to make considering the abundance of blackjack & hookers...
  16. Fair point, it was merely an idea.
  17. That would be irrelevant if the sky was artificial. If you really need to know, google it.
  18. I think the park is situated on the moon.
  19. The illuminated disc looks like Earth's moon.
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