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Fife Saint

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Everything posted by Fife Saint

  1. Why are The Rangers going to the expense of appointing an external review of this matter?
  2. Regarding The Rangers in the Second Division, as an SPL club at the point of the newco vote, won't the Pars be on 'the list' of enemies? Thus, invoking boycott-mode as a GIRFUY.
  3. Nothing has actually happened yet, and I'd be amazed if anything actually did.
  4. Old Whytey has taken a shite with his clothes on over Ticketus. Lost his case today.
  5. Sorry, I didn't realise they were deducting the costs from the prize money. My bad.
  6. I'm not seeing the relevance of the cost involved in a league body enforcing it's rules and the member clubs' interest in that. Do the SPL split up it's profit between members?
  7. I heard the interview but I've completely missed the legal costs bit. Utterly bizarre.
  8. Where has the story originated from? I've not seen anything other than web talk.
  9. Where has this come from? The Newco facing legal costs, I mean? That seems completely daft.
  10. I work in commercial banking, I'm well aware of what a security is. I was trying to establish what security you think Masterton has against the company.
  11. With the best will in the world, this is destined to go tits up. What are the realistic alternatives?
  12. Ha ha, I didn't realise you posted on here.
  13. Calderwood was brought to Dunfermline, on the back of advice from David Murray to his pal Masterton, to be groomed for the Ibrox job.
  14. Calderwood on Off the Ball. I think there might be a few interesting things slipping, if you can decipher what he's mumbling.
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