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Steve McQueen

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Posts posted by Steve McQueen

  1. Let's not forget it's been from the very start of the season, remember the goal he lost against Linfield. And he'd done the same thing but got away with it against Glentoran a few days earlier.
    He's always had howlers in him though  You kind of glossed over them as he was a young(ish) goalkeeper you saw improving over time. He's getting worse though, not better.
    Utterly fed up of him now though. 
    Every keeper has howlers but there are so many other goals that fall into the 'could have done better' category.
  2. Briefs: Secured.

    Somerset Park not a ground I've been to very often, probably only 5 or 6 times. Couple of games in our first season back down (second one a midweek evening with a late headed winner from Darren Dods), same the next season (Dougie Ramsey scored from about 40 yards in the last minute in about the only game I remember being at with thunder and lightning) then a cup replay in 2007 with another late winner (and a brilliant Ryan Stevenson goal) then a friendly under McInnes I think, where we had that trialist striker that spent ages here then didn't sign. Subotic? 

    Looking forward to a proper throwback to first away games I remember going to at places like Brockville and Stark's Park. 

    First time I went there was the other game in the promotion season. 2-2 draw where we got 2 late penalties, Don McVicar (I think) scored then missed to deny us both points.


    Might have been Mark Treanor now I think about it.


  3. 32 minutes ago, Super_J said:

    I'm traveling from Glasgow so not sure if it is workable if you're coming from Perth etc. But I'm now gonna get the 11.18am now from central and also get in about half 12, changing at Killie. 

    ETA - So aye guessing that's the one you'll land up on too.


    Previous plan was the 12.13 from Glasgow Central and getting to Ayr 1.28pm changing at Killie. This as far as I can see is the last one that'll get folk there in time.


    Assuming the wind doesn't f**k it for everyone.




    Didnt realise the 12:13 changed at killie, just knew it wasnt a bus.


    For those getting train from Perth, cheaper to buy ticket to Glasgow then Glasgow to Ayr.

  4. 1 hour ago, Super_J said:

    Who is all on the train down then?

    Am I worrying for nothing about the train via killie being packed cause it's the last one that will get everyone down on time?

    The replacement buses add a full extra hour onto the journey so not viable for anyone once they kick in.

    Which train are you getting? I'm getting the 9:14 & getting to Ayr about 12:30, no bus/kilmarnock.

  5. 2 hours ago, St. Jude said:

    I would have been raging had I been a Queens or Alloa fan yesterday. There was a point where Sandra was, really badly, describing a goal and Derek Ferguson butted in with some humming patter about empire biscuits. Then the patter vacuum Chick Young got involved. I’ve still not got a clue who scored.

    Sandra is the best person for working out who's scored, she doesn't hide her bias.

  6. 3 hours ago, ali_91 said:

    Says Saturday and Sunday here. Think you can go via Kilmarnock instead? 


    That train has no bus, if you look at the later/sunday trains with 2 changes it shows you bus from paisley section.

    Looks like the trains that arrive at 12:30 & 1:30 have a change at kilwinning but no bus.

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