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Steve McQueen

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Posts posted by Steve McQueen

  1. 2 hours ago, fatshaft said:

    there are reasons to criticise Sportsound, and some not, such as Michael Stewart, Richard Gordon, Willie Miller, Steven Thompson, but good gawd, 5 Live is unlistenable pap in comparison to Sportsound. Yes there's Alan Preston, Bonner, Chico, and Derek Ferguson, but at least our commentators can go 90 minutes without a chageover. What exactly is so demanding that SAlan Green and the other boy have to swap over at half time in every match? You're talking about a fitba game, it's been a one man job since forever, now apparently in guffland it needs a half time sub. Fucking hell, glad I stopped paying for a TV licence, robbing b*****ds 

    Haven't listened to a game on 5 live for ages. They used to switch during each half?

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