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Steve McQueen

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Posts posted by Steve McQueen

  1. On 30/04/2017 at 15:11, Blootoon87 said:

    Be interesting to see who Maribor knock out next season. St Johnstone would add yet another Scottish team to the list.

    Recent history says we'd be fine with Maribor, its teams youve never heard of we lose to!

  2. Chaps
    Looking for some info on info entry prices for the game on 11th march.
    Bringing my two nephews to their first away game and notice on your site it says entry is £16 for adult and up to two under 12's (outstanding offer by the way) for the ormond.
    Does this offer apply for games against Dundee as can't say have really paid much attention on other visits.
    Also what would the admission be for them be if I decided to take them into away end.

    I think the £16 is Ormond stand only, £23 for the away end, kids are still free.
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