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Steve McQueen

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Posts posted by Steve McQueen

  1. Normally a fan of Tom English but his piece on Brendan Rodgers today is pretty nauseating it has to be said.
    He's doing a great job with Celtic obviously but some of this sycophantic narrative is getting a bit too much I must say. 

    Its strange but Delia probably had the same treatment 2 years ago.

    The level of coverage 2 clubs get doesn't increase when they do well so doesn't really stand out.
  2. Did I imagine this on last night's show or did Graham Spiers name Wes Foderingham as his keeper in a team of the season so far, Keith Jackson name Clint Hill in his, and both of them name Kenny Miller as their sole striker?
    Admittedly, Rangers would be nowhere without Miller's goals so it isn't quite as ludicrous a shout as the other two but I'd say for most pundits that aren't massive apologists of a certain disposition, Dembele would be most folk's choice.
    Also, that Kenny MacIntyre is a walloper of the tallest order.
    In fact, why on earth was I listening to this pish last night...?

    Was a combined team from Aberdeen, Rangers, Hearts & Saints not toty
  3. 2 hours ago, Stu said:

    Anyway, Chick Young continues to spout drivel in his Paisley Daily Express column and I notice some rather familiar phrases:

    "John McGinn, formerly of this parish and now at Hibs, continues to be ignored, and I find that baffling because if that kid doesn’t end up at a big English club then I’m the next Bishop of Durham. He’s way better than James Morrison."


    is this a wind up?

  4. 34 minutes ago, Tallerpeople said:

    Did a season preview for Saints. Might be shite but constructive criticism and all that is welcome.




    Petty fair, most Saints fans would say Chris Millar is our main player (when he's not limping off after 20 minutes!) but doesnt seen to get the recognition from oposition fans as he's not flashy or score much.

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