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Everything posted by xbl

  1. Oh be quiet, you whining little grief tourist. Interesting that all I did was agree with other posters, and yet I'm the only one you choose to tell to shut up. Very professional mod behaviour, just as per for you really. HB has already said everything I would have said. I agree with all his posts on this issue.
  2. You know, after all that the Liverpool fans had "been through" (blamelessly of course), what happened in the Champions League final a few years back? Forged tickets, overwhelming the security, bragging about there being more fans in the ground than stadium capacity actually allowed, and assorted other unsavoury incidents. Not one person is saying that the Liverpool fans were entirely to blame, but lets face it, they didn't help with their behaviour. And what is this cover up? Will this be revealed today?
  3. And every time you say this, I completely agree with you. Liverpool fans are obsessed with finding some sort of conspiracy, when there just isn't one! If the "truth" isn't to the satisfaction of the professional mourners, does anyone think that will be the end of the matter? I don't think so.
  4. What "truth" are they expecting to find?
  5. xbl

    Doctor Who

    What the most injokey and reference filled series of "new" Dr Who? Good advice.
  6. If I was going to be bothered by Arbroath losing, I would have long since shot myself sometime over the last decade!
  7. What, three games? That is an insanely ridiculous knee jerk reaction. Many foreign players need a good few months to really get settled in.
  8. When we lose, it isn't the end of the world. We don't somehow think we're the biggest club in the world. We don't constantly think it is "our year", we don't get involved in stadium disasters galore and then insist that not one smidgeon of blame can be attached to us. We don't have the same persecution complex, you know, that absurd sense that the world is against us. Oh, and as far as I'm aware, we don't support racism. Therefore, Liverpool are the team I most enjoy seeing lose!
  9. xbl

    Doctor Who

    That was an excellent episode! Much more like the Dr. Who I liked rather than the last couple of series (with one or two obvious exceptions). A welcome return to form.
  10. I don't care about Man U in the slightest, but I love watching Liverpool get beaten! Gaz is right, there are few greater footballing pleasures.
  11. Sigh. I have to say, the ripping over his hard man routine is totally deserved. But the ripping for getting conned is not just not on. These things can happen, it was a bit of a daft thing to do, but he was just trying to warn people. Its quite embarrassing seeing some of the abuse that he's getting over that. Still, anyone who resorts to threatening to hunt people down deserves plenty of mockery for that alone!
  12. As I said, I think UC is more a test of recall than actual intelligence, although as you allude to, it could be rightly argued that if you don't have good recall, you'd be pretty bloody stupid to put yourself forward for the show! Not that I say that when I'm basking in envy and jealousy after producing another crushing win amongst my friends. If they ever knew the secret, that I just read a lot of books,am addicted to wikipedia, and have good recall, then my reputation would be ruined!
  13. Is university challenge a good barometer for "intelligence" though? I haven't played recently, but normally when I play the university challenge game with friends, I get the highest score. That isn't mainly due to intelligence though, its because I have an excellent memory for things I've read. So its a case of recall. I would argue that the only part that really counts as intelligence is educated guessing, based on heuristics. That isn't what primarily gets points on UC though, its recall rather than intelligence.
  14. xbl


    I love the ones that deal with awkwardness and insecurity, and the lengths people will go to, like this one: As others have said, its like any other comedy show. Some sketches are excellent, others are terrible. The Jolly Boy John ones seem to be popular, but I can't stand them personally.
  15. xbl


    Well its Scottish isn't it? Known fact according to many on here, anything Scottish is automatically pish.
  16. Do you know the lyrics for Don't Look Back in Anger? Can you sing along? Do you?
  17. Good summary! People sneer at Oasis, but they do songs with attitude that are easy to sing along to. Anthems. Also, I'm pretty convinced that everyone in this country knows the words for Don't look back in anger. If anyone on here says they don't then they clearly need a couple drinks in them, then they'll somehow be word perfect.
  18. Wow, some lazy assumptions being thrown about here.
  19. I agree with this. Rangers will always be Rangers. And I'm sick of this whole thing. Its time for the season to start. Rangers are in division 3, and that in my view should be the end of it. Time for us all to move on.
  20. The exaggeration is that I was only slightly out of town, I could still see the sign, so I had obviously just drifted off for a few minutes! No harm done though!
  21. I did the 6 mile walk home from town steaming last night (pay for a taxi? For just me? I dont think so!), and it was all going fine till right at the end when I was nearly at my house. I must have fallen asleep while walking, because somehow I must have turned round and sleepwalked all the way back out of town again. I woke up back in the country, walking the wrong way. Fail.
  22. Looks like the SPL clubs are forcefeeding their clubs cake. I foolishly took a few days off this story as I thought it was drawing to a close. Apparently not. I'm with the Rangers fans on this one. The SPL can f**k right off. Oh, and they can also keep their grubby paws off our media rights. Rangers are in the third division now, as far as I'm concerned, that should be that now. Time to get on with the season. The Self Preservation League, living up to its name once again.
  23. How come this isn't over yet? Why isn't it over? Why are the SPL still trying to f**k over the SFL? Leave us alone!
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