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Everything posted by RH33

  1. Second down is very spaniel! All very cute.
  2. I thought more orthodox Jew. Either way, he's clearly a very dangerous man.
  3. I'd like breast reduction but not enough to spend about 6/7k on it. Duck lips look ridiculous, it's also about £250 for 0.5ml of the stuff.
  4. I've friends in Florida and I would agree, some of the photos have more plastic that human in them.
  5. Where in Glasgow? My middle child is a big fan Thai food.
  6. I know it's out of Glasgow, but I'm in Erskine which doesn't really have particularly bad areas and you can get a fair but of house for your money still. This one's beside my kids primary school. Bargarran where I am is a bit cheaper. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/143418827#/?channel=RES_BUY I'd caveat it by saying you do probably need a car as the public transport isn't great but there are direct buses to the city. My neighbour in my rental three bed is/was on at a fixed for £135k.
  7. This should have been a thread started by @ICTChris with his Customary have any p&b sign off....
  8. Selected people would be the hardest part for me, knowing they're going to a good home. If I hadn't gotten Sadie I'd have taken one of the piebalds! She's 1.8kg now. Still not a proper dog but I do love her. Personality is huge!
  9. Have you got homes.for them all? They're bigger than Sadie!
  10. Handy time score some brownie points in an election year where they're trying not to get totally diceminated for the Tory's. Previous governments were well aware of the issues and still gave Vennells a CBE.
  11. Well here's the problem, mass produced cheap fresh tomatoes are flavourless watery rubbish.
  12. Or pinning her down in guisenof cuddle
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/12/man-disability-benefits-leg-amputated-court-marius-gustavson-eunuch-maker
  14. That young police officers moustache is a crime.
  15. After two nights ago P&B based deviancy dream, last night I was trying to get Dougie Donnelly into bed. Never sleeping again.
  16. Has Saudi not been bombing the shit out Yeman for last few years?
  17. I had a dream last night Deviant p&B one I'm not sure I'll recover.
  18. You could have informal chat with local social work.
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