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Everything posted by welldaft

  1. Churlish I know but earlier it occurred to me that I should post and hope that Ross County equalised in the 93rd minute. My bad it was actually the 94th minute
  2. Would need to see it before commenting but bloody stupid as 2-0 with 11 men probably a draw the worst Accies would have got. Now I expect Hearts to get at least a point probably 3.
  3. What the day after the cup game :-). Hopefully we will be focussing on a cup quarter final.....
  4. By all accounts the heavy rain is forecast for the entire game as well as 50mph gusts. I live in the east and it has been relatively calm so far, but hopefully the game is off as attendance will be affected, pitch will be ruined and the game will be like last week if not worse. Lets wait until the slightly better conditions of Tuesday evening.
  5. Not a huge appetite for midweek games especially at this time of year. You could see from the Aberdeen support at Hamilton last night and although some of that was to do with the fact they are unhappy at being 3rd for whatever reason..... That plus we have a cup replay next Tuesday means I expect a very low Well support as most myself included will prioritise that game. The upshot is we will not need 3 stands for this evenings game. In fact we may only need marginally more than 300 seats. St Johnstone have always been a tough opponent and whilst that was less evident at the Fir Park game that was one game. We were lucky to win up there earlier in the season. I expect a very tough game and think a draw is the more likely outcome. If we concede first then I do worry about our ability to recover and get a positive result. That said another defeat and suddenly you can start to think our positive season could unravel. Hope not and we can get back at it.
  6. I sense RG is a tad upset at the draw..... To be honest if you play the Old firm you want them at home to give you at least an outside chance. Hibs win the trophy of the easiest draw of this season Scottish Cup award. Not bitter just the way it is. Pick out (on paper at least) the 2 easiest opponents last 2 rounds. Not unhappy with draw and at least we have a home tie for once. Still need to win the replay which will be tough. Probably would prefer Killie in next round as Aberdeen have a habit of winning at Fir Park in cup ties. Either way both ties are 50/50 to get to a semi final where we will meet winners of Hibs v ICT :-)
  7. Never going to happened. Met office shows it will be dry for KO and these winds of 50-60 are gusts. The actual wind is around 25-30. It will make the game a bit of a lottery and play a part as the ball will probably struggle to stay still for corners and free kicks etc. What a lovely post from Lex. How everyone should be on P&B. Normally I would reciprocate but we could do with Celtic or Rangers winning so 4th place gets Europe. I feel sick just saying that because under normal circumstances they are the last 2 sides I would want to win the trophy. Looking forward to the day trip from Edi beginning shortly. I will try and stay less pished than the Dundee game. Given difference in KO time I should just about manage that. Close game but hopefully we will edge it.
  8. I saw that. Should make the game a great spectacle - not. Christ knows if a howling gale benefits either side. Probably brings Motherwell down to their level - just kidding Buddies. Chances are a least one goal will be down to the weather / misjudgement of defenders, although tbf we don’t need 50 mph winds for such misjudgements. Hopefully the toy stadium can stand up to the storm....
  9. Surprised nobody has brought up Robinson’s comments re Turnbull. In so far as he is unlikely to be back before the split. Which if that is to be the case means he will effectively missed the whole season. Depressing thought. To be honest I never knew what date he was likely to return as (Celtic fans apart) it has been quite quiet in terms of discussions on this subject. That and the fact we are sitting 3rd probably. Hope he does sign an extension. As reported in Steelmen Online apparently agent gets % of transfer fee so in his/her interest for the fee to be more than the £1m Celtic are likely to come back in with with only a year left. And if it is post split is that any time to prove he is the player he was so likely to be with us start of next season. Time will tell.....
  10. That would have been funny had we scored in the 91st minute with our only shot. Feel for the fans that went along today. Always hurts to lose but more so when u witness it. Well done Livi. Shows what u can do on a modest budget. We will not stay top 4 if we play half as badly as that again in any game between now and end of season. Hopefully a wake up call ahead of the cup tie next week. Only Celtic up next ! PS - When is Turnbull going to be fit.....we may need him back sooner at this rate.
  11. My biggest worry was someone would bid for Gallagher Sorry Random but he has been the best signing for many a year. Know nothing about Aaron but I suspect he will come in and tear up the league. It is what we do
  12. Thanks but think after a lot of consideration we will pass.... I get your point and I know we work in a different market but I think Scott is a better player than Erwin was and has fantastic skill. He is still raw but I am more confident Scott will have a much better career than Erwin. I think this is a big loss for us. Still got Turnbull to come back and Ilic looks like he will get the chance to prove himself.
  13. Well stop fannying about and tell us about the 2 strikers we have lined up
  14. If it is £1m up front only then I would be underwhelmed by this. Very underwhelmed. If it nets us £1.5m+ with add ons then maybe bearable but he is our best talent apart from Turnbull and Campbell. We need to go and spend some of that money on a proven goalscorer. What about yon chap at Hartlepool we were linked with ?
  15. If that is true I will shed a tear or two. I get we cannot afford to turn a certain level of money but it had better be £1.5m up front at least with decent add ons. My next comment would simply be - get someone in ASAP. We needed a forward before this so cmon tae f* k.
  16. I would always categorise us in with Killie and then the other mentioned teams in a level below but not by much. In fact I would class Dundee as bigger as they are when on the rare occasions they have performed well in the top flight, well recently anyway. Only those Well fans that cannot get tickets are kicking off in this fashion. Me I have mine so quite happy and accept that 1600 is a decent allocation. Bring it on. Should be a close game, but I hope our ability to score goals will edge the tie in our favour.
  17. You are quite a sensible chap Yassin but I am not having that. Not one bit. Scott has got 2.5 seasons left and I believe he is now where near his potential. Stick to your humour
  18. I am a huge fan of James Scott. I still think he is one of the most gifted players we have produced since well.......Turnbull. You can see he has bags of skill and with more composure and experience has what it takes to have a very good career. Good that we got an offer so helps raise his profile and also tells suitors we are not interested in low ball offers. I don’t think Hull could afford to bid much higher so would expect there interest to end but who knows. IF he finishes the season strongly then we could double that and possibly more.
  19. There is little chance Robinson won’t treat Livi with respect. We generally struggle on that pitch when they are not sitting 5th and on a wining streak. The good news is we seem to have mastered how to shitfest our way to narrow wins. Our goalie, defence and midfield are a match for anyone outside the Old Firm as seen by so many clean sheets. I hope Long is back for this one. I am normally quite bullish but fear a narrow loss. Would settle for a draw. But a shitty performance and 3 points would be even more welcome. Especially as Livi are starting to pose as much as a threat to a European place as Hibe are / were.
  20. Actually thought we played well up until the final 3rd. No surprises I guess and I felt McIver was fairly ineffectual. Not being harsh on the boy as he is still very young and with little 1st team experience. Scott was on fire 1st half and had the Hibs right back on toast. Gallagher is probably the best defender I have seen at Fir Park for a long time, but as a footballer he tries to play and not put his laces through it and nearly got caught out twice. Campbell was excellent today as was the midfield in general. Most disappointingly I read that Moult, Kipre and Marvin Johnson were at Fir Park today. Gutted I never saw one of them. A draw is not the end of the world and I felt more confident of finishing top 4 based on our overall play. Shame we have 3 million wingers and a few strikers. We all know we could do with another front man in but if Long is back next week I suspect we will run as we are for the rest of the season.
  21. I think Hibs have a good squad and have better options upfront than we have. But I also think we are stronger in certain areas so it should be a close match. I actually thought Hibs played quite well when they lost 3-0 at Fir Park. They had quite a few chances to score and on another day....The game at Easter Red was also close and similarly the result could have gone the other way. Long not starting would be a worry as we don’t have many out and out scorers. We do carry a decent threat from midfield and defence with Hartley and Gallagher capable of scoring on a reasonably regular basis. Boyle is a great player with pace and skill and he is a worry. That plus Hibs know if they have a realistic chance of finishing 3rd or more realistically 4th they probably need to win and certainly cannot afford to lose. I would love another 3 points but like others have said would take a draw to keep the gap as is after 2 difficult league games.
  22. So is the Donnelly to Celtic chat a load of bollox ? I think so but you never know. What I do know is that having recently paid £2m for a midfielder I would expect Celtic to make an offer of £102,345 for one of our star midfielders. Cos it is little old Motherwell. Leigh Griffiths + £3m or jog on -
  23. It probably comes from the fact that from a Well POV Aberdeen probably have had the most convincing victory against us this season. That and I think your squad is better quality. We could only dream of signing Dylan McGeouch and getting Marty Kennedy on a pre contract. That said we are 3rd best team points wise for 2019 so not a fluke. I would take a point now, but I also believe Aberdeen will probably finish 3rd. Just want to make sure we stay ahead of Hibs and even Livi for 4th place.
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