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Everything posted by welldaft

  1. Honestly felt we were poor tonight. That said winning 3-0 is more than i expected. The home crowd was pathetic. I get that Dundee are pish but come on wtf re the crowd. Would see more at Hamilton
  2. We have supposedly sold 1040 tickets by Thursday COB. So probably 1200-1500 by KO. Hope few Dees turn up
  3. Really looking forward to tomorrow. A day And night out in Dundee and with decent if cold weather forecast. I expect a really tough game and would not be surprised with a scoring draw. I worry that we are not as sharp as Dundee but you do have to consider the fact we have gathered more points in a higher and more difficult league than Dundee. However the Well have a habit of fking up when I do hospitality or anything out of the ordinary. Dundee fans seem a bit disgruntled with McPake and the team. Yet on paper it is a decent squad and I think they will turn in a good performance tomorrow as there will be no pressure on them. Conversely I actually think being away will lift some pressure off us. I saw a tweet from the SFA about missing a round of drinks tomorrow - WTF. No thanks. Need to be just the right side of Merry by KO.
  4. Much like our guaranteed win v Hamilton before the break. We are sitting 3rd in top flight but we have been quite lucky in many games. If we play like we did v Accies then there is every chance Dundee can win this game. Every chance. plus we now have an added distraction thanks to Mr Robinson even if not proven or whatever we did not need this kind of sh1t
  5. Probably puts to bed any chance he has of getting the Northern Ireland job. Of course everything would hang on the outcome of court case as it should, but if there is CCTV footage and it happened then it puts the club in an awkward situation. They may well want to stand by him but I am not sure how they can. I would want him gone if guilty.
  6. On the whole this would be fantastic were it true. But I very much doubt it. It would make sense given he needs to get his career back on track and languishing in Celtic reserves will not do that. That plus if he hit the ground running he may have an outside chance of a Scotland recall. So him staying at Celtic is not doing him any favours. All that said he comes with huge baggage. Application can be questionable as is his off field antics including gambling etc. I hope he has addressed these but whether he has or not ?
  7. We rarely take less than 1000 to away Scottish cup games unless capacity is an issue. The KO time and fact it is on BBC May put some off, but I am firmly in the camp that it adds to the anticipation and excitement. Unless we lose of course. Looking forward to a night in Dundee assuming we win...even if we lose I will have consumed a sh1t load of booze to help cushion the blow.
  8. Lets be honest probably all we can afford and probably not any worse than Cole. At least I would hope not. Who knows maybe he is more mature since his time with Killie. This is what happens when some ner do wells suggest Leigh Griffith is rumoured as a possibility. That Omar Bogey chap would have had me more excited. Hey ho we will get give him our support.
  9. Maybe - but out of the 11 or 12 that normally go from our group 7 are going. 4 myself included are making a night of it. So (literally) nae pissing about weather please. Hamilton was disappointing but 4/weeks is too long for to wait till Hibs home game to watch the boys. Plus it is the cup so I reckon there will be a decent Well support despite it being on BBC. Plus all fans have fkin ages to get a £15 ticket, so no complaining about a £20 price. By decent I mean 500+ Hope we turn up with the right attitude and try to impose ourselves on Dundee. Failure to do so will probably see a similar outcome to Ross County last year. I expect Dundee to be up for this and probably just the type of game they need. For once (apart from United) there will be nothing to lose and in some ways the pressure will be off. Is Dorrans likely to be a Dundee player by next weekend. One of your better players so hopefully not :-).
  10. How does that work. The majority of Hearts fans even those who like him say he is finished at this level. Finished with a team anchoring the Scottish Premiership ? I can see a massive Q of clubs prepared to match his wages - NOT. Stendel has to do something to stop the rot but this is a gamble. By all means bin Berra but unless he has fallen out or done something untoward show is asking your captain to train with reserves going to go down. Stendel could yet make Cathro look like an astute Managerial appointment at this rate....
  11. Well by all accounts he is on the same contract he was on before Celtic bid £3.5m. Which means he is probably one of the lowest earners despite being arguably our best player (whilst fit). I thought the thinking was a new contract on improved terms which means he earns more money and we get slightly more protection as Celtic or the likes cannot low ball us, which we all know they will even if he returns to his previous form before the operation. We will not stand in his way and that has been made clear. So it is a win win. My worry is that this was brought up a while ago and I recall came up recently somewhere but yet nothing has been confirmed. I like the Longer Listen podcasts but they are not asking some of the searching questions I would ask. Probably because negotiations are delicate stage or not happening. 1st Q I would have asked our CEO and / or Manager is Turnbull going to sign another deal. He is a Well fan and we seem to have a good relationship with his family. Ultimately it is and was a bummer for the lad but we are bystanders in this. Hopefully something will be sorted soon. It would be the best news to come out of Fir Park - up there with our debt being paid off.
  12. Is anything making any sense anymore ? Cole gets recalled to Wigan for what ? Has another team offered to pay more of his wages for remainder of the season ? Or did we really want him to stay on ? Seems bizarre. Not overly bothered myself but that would depend on who comes in. As for the Cadden situation. Will Columbus accept an offer from Oxford without him playing one match for them. If they did you would have to hope they would decide to stop dicking us about and pay up. More twists and turns than A soap opera this one.
  13. David Turnbull will play one game for Motherwell v bottom 6 opposition and score 12 goals before being bought for £90m by Manchester United. Celtic fans will cry themselves to sleep.. Celtic and Rangers fans will stop moaning about conspiracy theories and accept that decisions during games are legitimate and above reproach. Alfrefo Morelros will not get a red card all year. Mainly because in the 2nd half he is playing for Oldham after a transfer fee of £30,000 was accepted by Ibrox board. This single transfer manages to keep Sevco out of administration for one more day. The Green brigade have bought up all Olive coloured jackets in the world leading to a massive shortage. They also decide to start highlighting the issues of the day such as Climate Change and as a group are awarded the Nobel Peace prize. St Johnstone decide that after giving over 3 stands to the Old Firm and with it being such a success they decide to give over all the seats to the Old Firm bar one for Random Guy. Hearts sack Stendel and make 17 more random managerial appointments before the end of the season having sacked each new manager after every loss.
  14. I don’t think you are the real Dr Manhattan. He would know we beat Ross County on Boxing Day. Our capitulation v cuddly wee neighbours came on the 29th Dec. looking forward to my overnight trip to the tropical paradise that is Dundee in 2 weeks time. At this rate both teams will lose.
  15. As Ewen McGregor aka Renton once said - it is a shite state of affairs. I feel for the loyal St Johnstone fans having to defend this decision. Not because I disagree with it more because Scottish Football is so heavily lopsided towards the Old Firm. Two teams based on bigotry / religion and just young fans wanting to follow successful teams. It cost every top flight side an average of 1000 fans probably more for the likes of Motherwell, St Mirren and Partick. I would rather they fucked off to a British / European league. Sure we would lose out on TV revenue and media coverage but it would be worth it. Shame it has come to this but clearly St Johnstone cannot afford a top flight side and if they don’t take steps like this they will go down a division sooner rather than later. They actually deserve huge plaudits for their achievements past decade based on such a small fan base.
  16. Hopefully the players and fans will have forgotten about that sh1tshow yesterday. If nothing else it probably will account for a few hundred less Well fans attending this game than had we comfortably disposed of Accies. I was impressed by Dundee on Friday night. The better side overall and certainly the second half. Dorrans ran the show. All that said we are 3rd in terms of form in the top flight for the whole of 2019 not just this season. If we can get back on track then we should win through but it would only be by the odd goal. And if we play like yesterday then We can concentrate on the league for the rest of 2020. We also need a competitive type friendly as we were off the pace after a 3 week break v Ross County same stage last year. Can see it happening again so need to get a 90 minute game of some sorts organised the week before the game.
  17. Clearly he has or had a semblance of goodwill as a result of the Clarke era but I would be underwhelmed by this appointment were I a Killie fan. How does 3 defeats out of 3 display that he has what it takes to turn this around. Good luck to the guy. Seems nice enough.
  18. I am maybe wrong but I am sure I read we were close to bringing in a striker which has now turned into we are not close to bringing in a striker....suggests that once more whoever we had lined up has fallen through.
  19. Basically. We are sitting 3rd yet I would struggle to think of a game where we have dominated and been comfortable winners. Maybe St Johnstone and St Mirren at home but almost all other games have been average. All that said it would churlish not to acknowledge 3rd place as a very good achievement and at least 2 to 4 places above where I though we would be at this stage in the season. However play like today next year and we will tumble back down the the table pronto. I would have given 9 points for season so far had we won today. But need to drop it to 7.5 after that debacle. Robinson gets 8 points because we are 3rd with a bottom 4 budget and transfers in general have been better than a lot of seasons past. Best player is between Gillespie and Gallacher. But will choose Gallacher just and honourable mentions for Polworth, Donnelly and Long.
  20. Quite - what a miserable fucker. What a chance missed given other scores today. Christ knows what happened but we were awful from about the 25th minute onwards and had no response at all to the fact that Accies were starting to o control the game and the goals when they came were inevitable. Accies looked like Barcelona compared to us. However it is written that whenever we have an above average and expectant support - we sh1t the bed more often than not. Cannot complain with 3rd and best start to a season points wise for some 50 years (not sure if that takes into account 3 points for a win however). Should certainly give the players a kick up the arse. Play like that against Dundee and we can forget about a cup run next year. Disapointed but at least I am still not as miserable as Hammyton.
  21. It is also helping us that other sides are missing some guilt edge chances. That Brophy miss is not dissimilar to ones that St Mirren and Hearts missed. That is the difference as you know that if Edouard, Morelos and Cosgrove had that chance they would have buried it. A huge result in terms of top 6 and even top 4 hopes. We just need to keep going and try and take 4 to 6 points from next two games ahead of the winter break. Hoping Hearts can stop being useless and find some form for their games v Hibs and Aberdeen. Gillespie is as much as any player to get the plaudits for this seasons form. He makes at least 2 to 3 saves a match that help us garner a positive result. Also have huge hopes for James Scott. I think he is such a skilful player. Not quite Turnbull but I would not be surprised if a few clubs are sniffing about in the next 12 months.
  22. He had signed a 3 year deal. I am sure there would be clauses around termination, but surely this will set Killie back a few bob or even more. To me it seemed a bizarre appointment not unlike Stendel for Hearts. Not because they were foreign just that they had little track record as Managers of top flight teams. Almost as if it is only Scotland they will do well. How many foreign Managers have been a success without millions of £’s to spend ? It does seem a tad premature but as surmised it must be because he is not settling in well and the players have started to turn against him. Don’t mind Killie at all but hoping they don’t get a huge boost to enhance their hopes of top 4 finish for obvious reasons.
  23. Will clubs stop sacking Managers or employing new ones before we are about to play them FFS. If true I suspect the players were not all that convinced by him. League placing is OK even if results are on the slide. Saturday just got a lot tougher as I suspect you will see Killie players up their game from recent weeks.
  24. Who he. I will away and google him..... Not heard this before. Assume his contract is due up at end of year as I don’t see us paying a fee.
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