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Everything posted by welldaft

  1. I think Hibs would be more likely to come in for Robinson than Hearts. When all else is said and done he has taken a mid ranking club with a lowish budget to 3rd place over the course of all of 2019 NOT just this season. Hope both go for big names and it blows up in their faces. We do not want both or either to start tearing up the table, although it is likely for at least one of them to improve sadly.
  2. If I recall correctly the debt got to £1.6m based largely on Les insistence on signing certain players that Burrows and the Manager did not feel we needed. Or at the very least we did not need such an inflated squad. I am grateful he did the double your money offer, but in all honesty if he is as rich as is being reported then £1-2m £ is a drop in the ocean. Not saying he should of bankrolled us but it seemed a lengthy negotiation to get fan owned. Would not call him a c u next Tuesday but I also feel he is milking his worth and input when in truth he easily could have done more. Not a true Well fan or even close. His daughter is and why he probably got involved. All that said if the clubs survival was based on his input and support then he is due some credit.
  3. It was a fairly average performance. Midfield and attack were not at the races. Thankfully our defence and goalie secured the points. Love James Scott and he is such a silky footballer. Did more in 10 minutes than Cole did in whole game + STUPID tackle for penalty. Can someone explain to me why after we score a goal we become a certain grade of Sh1te. Happens all too often. Livi had their chances but their football is not for the purists. Ball in the box at every opportunity becomes painful to watch. Would love a player like Lithgow to take a long throw in but not every bloody time and almost from the half way line. Still they probably have one of the lowest budgets so you play to your strengths. I am very pleased with the 3 points but that was a below par performance. To stay in 3rd or 4th we need to be better than that.
  4. Very positive news. Especially without any money from the proposed Turnbull sale. If that still goes ahead at some stage then it would leave us in a very healthy financial position. Plus the European football next season Kidding for now anyway. Plus it means we do not need compensation from our Manager. A key reason why we let McGhee go to the Dons if I recall.
  5. Pleased that Souda is not playing. He seems like a big time Charlie but there is definitely some skill and presence there. It would also be pleasing if Dykes did not make the game either. Read comments on Livi thread saying he is struggling to shake of an injury. Will he make it ? Same team for me as started v Killie. Can save big Bevis for Parkhead in a week's time. Could do with the 3 points here as that game is on the horizon. Hopefully we still have a Manager in place for both games !!!
  6. I would be. For all that quite a few Well fans still do not seem to rate Robinson and quite frankly after what he has achieved I am not sure what would impress them..... Like Managers some players seem to fit a club and perform whereas in different culture, atmosphere and expectation levels could be found wanting. So no guarantee Robinson would succeed at Hearts, but let’s face it based on his record with us on a much lower budget then he would seem a very good option for them. My hope is they would target someone who does not require compensation and / or Robinson knows he is (asides a few daft Well fans) well liked and in a good place for hopefully a bigger and better gig down south when the time comes. Of course he could think it could all go wrong next couple of months and now is the time to take a chance and earn more money. Hopefully he is still our Manager in the coming weeks.
  7. That made me chuckle Stay away from Stephen Robinson please A Budge.
  8. It was a very good crowd and in keeping with last 2 games when St Mirren and Aberdeen both took 900 and 1400 respectively. Livvy up next - odds of an away crowd circa 1000.....
  9. Sorry to disappoint you. I should be less conciliatory which is more old firmesque. Still I can console myself with a well deserved 3 points.
  10. I was there at the game, but not studied closely on the highlights. I will leave that to the Killie fans to pore over.... Did it change the outcome of the game ? I actually thought we were playing better 11v 11 than when it went to 11v 10. Certainly for the remainder of the 1st half. Atrocious officiating costs all teams points all season long. Sadly a fact of life such as the free kick that was never given in the run up to Rangers 1st goal on Sunday. For provincial clubs it never evens itself out v Old firm or for any other clubs for that matter but v each other it probably does. I thought Killie looked a decent outfit. In many ways atypical of an Italian side. Defend in depth and counter attack and win by the odd goal. Brophy was also a handful when he came on. Glad he did not start the game. Vital 3 points and regains some momentum after back to back losses to Aberdeen and Rangers. Another tough game awaits v Livi at the weekend. Another win would be most welcome as Killie play Aberdeen.
  11. I rarely agree with MJC but I am pretty certain his prediction will be correct based on nothing more than we have played them a million times and not won. And even when we look like doing something one of two things happen - the ref will award Rangers a penalty for a foul in the centre circle or send off a Motherwell player for walking on the white lines on the pitch or in fact probably both. You hope that playing Porto will take something out of them but based on the Aberdeen game our confidence will be fragile. If we can avoid conceding for as long as possible and all our players stop fucking about then we are in with an outside chance but both happening are highly unlikely. The home games v Killie and Livi are pivotal even this early in the season. 4 or 6 points from those games and we will still be in and around 4th place by time we play Celtic away. 1 or 0 points and Robbo and players are back being sh1te again and top of bottom 6 is probably (AGAIN) our best bet / hope.
  12. Bookmark this the next time an Aberdeen player cons the ref which has probably happened plenty of times before and will no doubt happen plenty of times again. Not sure it was a penalty from MFC highlights and nor did I at the game. Long should be embarrassed by his antics to be fair. Above all else it was an excellent save rather than a poorly taken penalty. Come back on here with your moral superiority when your own team are 100% perfect - which means never........
  13. REALITY CHECK.........I would like to congratulate all the Motherwell players for deciding to pick today to have their poorest game all season and I mean all of them to a man. Maybe BIG Bevis can b excused but boy oh boy. Seedorf - he is going to be hot and cold well today he was fkin freezing. In truth we probably knew it was coming. Although we were winning games the other teams did have several chances but never took them. Always likely to come a cropper v a team who had players that could score. Not even sure the missed penalty would have made a difference. I am at the other end of the East stand and it looked as if Long played for it. He was another that was largely anonymous. Not taking anything away from Aberdeen. 3 well taken goals and as if I ever believed there were in crisis.. A very bad day at the office and only Rangers at Ibrox next......oh joy.
  14. What is mildly amusing but also v concerning is that apparently Aberdeen are Sh1te. I would take sh1te every day of the week if it meant sitting in 4th place. They have had a slow start this season but not near as much as Hearts, Hibs, St Johnstone and even Kilmarnock. All things are relative ... Tomorrow will b tough and as much as I would love a win I expect a score draw.
  15. Embarrassing more like. For MJC to criticise anyone for a losers mentality is the funniest thing I have read on here for a wee while......
  16. IMHO These next 3 games are huge in terms of giving us a real belief whether top 4 and Europe are a realistic opportunity or whether top 6 is more realistic. A win v Aberdeen and Killie and we can start to believe. Even a win and a draw would suffice. But a couple of losses or a loss and a draw and the mood may be a little different. I leave the Rangers game out simply as they will likely pick up 3 points and if it looks like they won’t the referee will step in to help. I hope he starts with Carroll and Long in place of Tait and Cole. Cole has the makings of a decent player but is so unpredictable. Long for me has been more stable option and has proved he is a goalscorer. Carroll has been a v pleasant surprise and despite being sent of TWICE has performed well. That said I reckon Robinson will only make one of those changes and not both. Which one we will find out at 13:50 on Saturday. Aberdeen will be the toughest game so far (apart) from Celtic and despite injuries and suspensions are strong and streetwise. Considine is usually good for a headed goal against us. It will be a real battle and if we are to win we need all players to be up for it and for the referee to not a talking point against us. Plus a little luck. We get that and we will take the 3 points. Anything less and a draw or loss is likely. Really looking forward to this game...Hope For a decent home crowd also.
  17. I don’t disagree with any of the POV from the posts above. For me it was Devlin and not Findlay he perhaps should have started ahead of. Devlin was part of a 4-0 defeat previous game. My disappointment probably stems from the fact that he may not get a better chance to get a cap. McKenna will be back for the November games and Findlay will still be ahead of Gallacher one assumes, given it was probably the easiest International game to make your debut in as a defender. Hopefully he can take out any frustration my MOM performance v Dons this weekend.
  18. Some on here appear to be taking some sort of moral high ground....certainly appears the case. I am happy to admit (as I went to the game last night) that I was hoping to see Gallacher get capped and was fairly pissed off that he did not. Are Devlin and Findlay that much better players ? Is it too wide of the mark to think that Findlay started last night because if the team Clarke managed before Scotland. I will hardly lose sleep over it but I would rather see a Motherwell player capped over any other team.
  19. I am also going along...free tickets There would be a poor crowd regardless of performance because of the day and kick off time. I do expect a crowd anywhere between 10,000 and 15,000. They have conceded an average of 5 goals per game so anything less than a 5-0 scoreline would be disappointing. I am biased but would like to see Gallacher start. He has performed very well this season and should be given the opportunity in this game, not that he would have a lot of work to do one suspects.
  20. It was only a matter of time before rumours started. Probably lazy journalism but both Millwall and Barnsley are reportedly interested in Robinson. Probably Sunderland also before long..... To be fair despite the blip at the start of last season he has done very well with a limited budget. The longer we stay at top end of the table the more this will happen until an offer comes along he would be silly to refuse. Would love him to stay but if he does leave would prefer it was down south rather than Aberdeen or Hearts for example.
  21. Too early to say, but our form since January I believe has us in top 4 so it is hardly as if we have only been performing since the season started. The next 3 games will tell us more than the last 3. Aberdeen and Killie at home and Rangers away. Anything form Rangers game would be a bonus and probably unexpected. But if we can get 2 wins or a win and a draw from the 2 home games I would be confident of top six even this early in the season. On the the Long v Cole argument. Cole was poor yesterday and Long seems to offer more resilience and on evidence so far a goal scorer to boot. For me I would start Long for the next game. His lack of celebration for his goal is either I have been having a shit time of it lately or I should have been playing from the start. Either way a smile would not have gone amiss. A bit weird. Hey ho he could be a right miserable b*****d and help get us into top 4 and I would not care a jot........
  22. Strolled the 1st half and were it not for the St Mirren keeper we would have been a few goals to the good. You can see why he is so highly rated by Saints fans. Second half we looked determined to throw it away. We were almost as poor in the 1st 25 minutes of the 2nd half as we were good 1st half. St Mirren were not too bad and as they know with a bit more up front would have scored one or 2 goals. Gallacher is a fantastic signing but so equally is Polworth. His passing is the best I have seen at Fir Park for absolute ages. Campbell his usual dogged self. On to the negatives. I know they blow hot and cold but Seedorf and Cole were very poor. Long has to start v Aberdeen. Did more in his few minutes than Cole had previous 80 or so. Great goal by Scott. He is a terrific footballer. Yes he is young and so he is hit and miss but he has such promise. Good way to go into the International break.....
  23. Actually I am quite confident. We are WELL capable of fucking up and certainly against St Mirren. But I believe we are on the cusp of greatness. A good mix in the squad with an excellent Manager to boot. At some point St Mirren strikers will hit the back of the net. Law of averages and all that. I will go for 2-0 the might WELL.
  24. Glad to see it is not just Motherwell fans. Gallagher has performed better than Devin imho and should have had a call up with injuries to Souttar and McKenna. Of course not having played for Kilmarnock is a bit of a hindrance. Either that or like previous Managers playing for Motherwell automatically rules you out of contention. Still keeps him fresh and fit for Aberdeen after International break. Silver linings and all that.
  25. The funny thing is...or is it funny.... Is how unrealistic some fans expectations are at all clubs. St Johnstone are arguably a smaller club (attendance based) than Falkirk, Dunfermline, Partick Thistle etc yet they have been fixtures in the top flight for quite a while now while those other clubs have spent long spells in the lower leagues. Qualifying for Europe on a regular basis (at one point) and winning the Scottish Cup. Facts are that is a tremendous achievement for any club. Probably akin to Bournemouth doing same. Not saying don’t moan when things are tough but it is like Aberdeen fans right now. What more should they expect having reached multiple cup finals and finishing second year after year. Even Motherwell fans wanted shot of Robinson a v short while after reaching 2 cup finals. There are probably some now that still want him gone as if in the short term we are likely to get a better Manager. As a Well fan I absolutely recognise our standing in Scottish football. We are smaller in terms of resources than all the City clubs and probably Killie to boot. So anywhere below 8th in the table is a poor season and anything above is a good one. I also recognise that escaping relegation is a target every year. All clubs have highs and lows and it maybe that St Johnstone are due a period of poor results and lower league positions. Would that really be at all surprising. As it is I still think they will finish at worst outside the bottom 2 positions this season.
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