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Disco Duck

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Everything posted by Disco Duck

  1. Was reflecting on TNS’ general play yesterday. I dont think they were fantastic going forward, but their positional sense was excellent. Just so difficult to play though. more to the point, I thought that was the best I’ve ever seen deal with the press when playing out from the back. They invited our front three onto the defence then the keeper would very precisely put the ball over the top of them, and onto the left side of our midfield (ie away from Henderson and towards Spencer and McCann) which they won every time. it depends on patience, accuracy of clearances, and of course is easier when we’re chasing a game. But it meant the front 3 did a lot of unproductive running and kept the pressure off their defence.
  2. Just pish all round. Few players with pass marks. But it’s a diddy cup anyway.
  3. I’m not at all confident about this one, and have already reconciled myself to more “concentrate on the league” chat!
  4. He didn’t win a header against Lang all day.
  5. Is it 12-1 aggregate luck we’ve had against Alloa so far this season?
  6. Here, that Dylan Tait is pretty handy. Is he one of the players you’re going to take from us?
  7. There was nothing wrong with the tackle. Steven had been skinning McCann a few times and Sexy Boy Lang decided to help out - he stepped in and took the ball first, Steven was collateral damage. He should feel lucky - it’s more physical contact with Lang than the rest of us will ever be allowed (bloody restraining order). Was interesting to note that Steven didn’t try to take on McCann again after that, he always passed it sideways.
  8. and we have more points than anyone else.
  9. Yup! Stenny for me so the drive from Carron up to the town is very familiar.
  10. Thanks for posting this. Some I remember, some I don’t (it must have been just before they switched all the roads round in the town centre and pedestrianised the High Street). Strangely the most strikingly memorable thing is the concrete bus stop as you come along upper Newmarket Street, with the odd rattly metal barrier at the front. The town really has always been a bit of a dump, hasn’t it?
  11. Can anyone recommend a pre-match pub that DOESN’T allow kids in?
  12. Oh piss taking fans incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2…
  13. I really disliked Bonnyrigg when we went last time - ridiculous slope, incredibly bumpy, tiny and really awkward to get in and out of. Was always going to be a difficult game because of that.
  14. There is a china teapot in an elliptical orbit around the sun, somewhere between Earth and Mars. It’s too small to be seen by telescopes or picked up by instrumentation but it’s there. Prove me wrong. You can’t. If you find the facts uncomfortable - tough. Did that sound like a nonsense statement?
  15. It’s not embarrassing, it’s hilarious. Genuine point and laugh stuff
  16. I’d agree. Shanley looks like a more natural McIver replacement but if he’s not about it should be Oliver.
  17. This is the same guy that posted embargoed info on this forum, right? Am I the only one with an image of Comic Book Guy in my head?
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