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Everything posted by 19QOS19

  1. How warm is her bedroom? I ask because I'm a chronic night terror sufferer. It's actually starting to really annoy me in all honesty. But my body temperature plays a massive role in whether or not I suffer from them. It's maybe not the reason your bairn is, but it could be a possibility. The difficulty for you would be getting the room temperature just right. Obviously you need it cool enough for her to stop suffering, but still warm enough so she doesn't get the cold. Maybe worth checking her temperature (or physically feeling if she's sweating) the next time she has one. If she is roasting then it's possibly not as a result of the terror, it's more likely the cause. Hopefully that's what's causing it.
  2. I didn't mind Sunderland either tbh. Certainly not going to get a place in the hall of fame but far from the worst north east imports. Was a huge fan of wee Paddy. A decent player and a top guy as well. Tommy English was a weird one for me. To begin with I thought he was excellent for us, but as time went on I thought he got poorer and poorer. I wasn't sad to see him go tbh. Was Bowser's debut not the infamous 6-5 game at Palmerston? He debuted with Del Boy if I'm not mistaken. Two very very good players for our club.
  3. Wolfenstein It's a hypothetical modern world (in 1960!) where the nazi's won the war. The arsenal is very modern though as are the buildings! I really enjoyed it and it's not the type of game I normally play. I found it very fun and completed it within 2 days (about 10 hours though, was on holiday and just binged!). Got it for £20 as well, which was a bargain tbh. Definitely recommend as a filler game. 7/10 Battlefield Hardline next.
  4. You'd have seen the same thing at Wembley the other day!...
  5. I thought you were taking the piss outa the spelling of Louis Tomlinson's name! He's this guy outa the boy group One Direction:- #prayfordave
  6. I thought they cut all that shit out? I can mind Sky receiving a lot of heat years back for this kind of thing. The guy shouldn't have signed up to Virgin first though. He should have seen what Sky offered. I got my broadband down from £22 to £10 (including phone line rental) by threatening to go to EE, which wasn't a bluff mind you, I would have went. After the year is up I'll be shopping around again and telling them I'll move if they can't match the offer I'm getting.
  7. He probably wouldn't get the chance. Because even if she said that's fine, you know she'd be talking to her mates and they'd all be round the coven saying "He cancelled for a game of football?! Get rid of him Ingrid!" I don't know her name latapythelegend, but I can picture you with an Ingrid
  8. The system's fucked! I used to do a shitload of extra shifts, but would only end up with about £200 extra a month. Definitely not worth the time I put in though. So I completely stopped and just lived with my basic wage. Last month I helped out though and did 6 extra hours for them. When I got paid last week ended up with £80 more in my pay than I usually get; I'm not on £13 an hour. So how the f**k have I ended up £80 better off for just 6 extra hours?! Really don't get it, but needless to say I'll be looking to pick up 6 extra hours a month
  9. Folk who have never lived anywhere near Glasgow, who somehow speak with a Glaswegian accent. I hear it quite a lot among youngsters down here. I really duno what the fascination is. The only time I've spoken with a weegie accent is when I've quoted a Still Game scene! There was a lassie I went to school with who spoke like that and rightly so folk slagged her for it. She would get pretty touchy about it but I asked her once why she spoke like that if she was born and bred in Dumfries. She said "A can't help the way a speak man. Am fae here but ma da' is fae Stranraer." Wit?! I told her Cleyholer's couldn't sound any less Glaswegian if they tried. She wasn't impressed. I really don't get it. Irritates the f**k outa me though.
  10. Aye. I can mind seeing that happen in erm, erm in, erm, oh aye, every American tv series, EVER!
  11. He is. He's not very good at it though. Him and MacWatt have a league table going to see who can get the most bites (if they are in fact two separate people )
  12. Quite liked Newzoids tbh. Obviously not an original concept, but certainly got a few chuckles from it. Prince George and Jeremy Kyle being the two that came to mind. The SNP song was pretty funny as well I thought.
  13. Don't be pedantic It was a random figure. I don't know what either team pays their players, but that's irrelevant to the point I was making anyway.
  14. That's no bad that. But for all I'd be happy with the boost, I'd quickly be kicking myself that I only put 32p on a 180/1 shot!
  15. Which is pretty sad really, and is everything that is wrong with football. I'd like to see a player, who's been told he isn't going to get many games, be willing to drop a couple of hundred quid in order to play regularly. Which sadly, too many players wouldn't do. They'd rather sit on a bench for a healthy wage each week. Some would say that's no bad thing and why not. But it's pretty sad seeing players loving the money more than the game. It's only a different thing for the player yes. My point is that it wouldn't make any odds to clubs who were interested in him though. So they'd be as well chancing their arm if they fancied taking him on.
  16. I'd say he had at best a very good dead ball delivery. I personally wouldn't go as far as saying they were excellent. He had a fair chunk of utterly woeful deliveries as well, especially corners. From what I've seen so far I'd say Millar's deliveries are better. It's technically not the same thing no but I don't think it really affects Hawk's point. If a team were to offer him a deal, it appears Hearts would be happy to let things unfold as if he was an out of contract player. (I've not bothered to check his age, but if he is a youngster then it voids my point! )
  17. It's blind though, isn't it? I assumed it was anyway. I've been down a corridor from it and just stood still and it's went about it's business. I just thought it was all about how much noise you made, as that's what it was attracted to :-)
  18. Great news indeed. We can all get fed up with his 'antics' at times. But it doesn't out weigh the value he brings to the team. Has Lyle joined for next year, or did I imagine that?
  19. Very much this. It shocks me when I hear of stories where a woman is controlling the remote. Shit like that shouldn't be happening in this day and age
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