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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Ferguson should just do the decent thing and walk away from it, looks like he is clueless and is screwing the club, he can't be strapped for cash either. Is that p***k Gardiner still there? Thank you.
  2. Sorry to see this happening, our fault to a certain extent. He should've just stayed coaching the youths at Dens, that's probably what he's best at.
  3. Said it before, Mulligan and big Mo in front of the back three. Fucking solid.
  4. That's seriously starting to get right on my fucking tits. Would imagine that's what Boredomguy sounds like. Thank you.
  5. That's the way I remember it, like a snooker table. Well done Keyes and Nelmsey. Thank you.
  6. Don't think we have a chance, just want him to make the right choice and move forward with his career, that's the main thing. IMO. Great player.
  7. Yeah, both ways work, speed and power up front, would play big Mo and Mulligan in front of our defence as well, solid.
  8. Cannot wait to see Main, McCowan and Si running at these donkeys. eta throw on Tiffoney as well with 20 to go when they're fucked. Thank you.
  9. Biden and the DAB's peddling the figures, will come crashing down soon for both of them. Thank you.
  10. Don't mind the rumours, but you basically said 'Beck is back', is this a fact and you're 100% certain? If not you shouldn't be posting it. IMO.
  11. Yeah, looks like a load of nonsense, unfortunately.
  12. 10/1 for East Fife, will be having a flutter on that one. Thank you.
  13. Do they seriously think we're going to punt our best player to a direct rival?
  14. He's played at a high level right through his career, also, these DAB morons wouldn't know a player if he fell on top of their head. Thank you.
  15. Fair enough, if thats what you want, the bet is on. Dundee finish above you, £50 to cats protection, you finish above us £50 to the Palestinians. Thank you.
  16. That's a bonus. eta. Best of luck to him, good for everyone.
  17. Difficult tonight, Annan well organised, maybe if Main had buried a couple of the early chances, would've been different. Thought we played really well, I like it. Nice one Doc. Thank you.
  18. Here they come, crawling out the woodwork for a 'bet', nowhere to be seen on the Dee finishing above them bet, invisible. See Buckie Thistle put two past them as well tonight. Oh dear. Thank you.
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