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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. All the best Cammy. Lived the dream, and always gave 100% Thank you.
  2. Totally different position from Murray, we've been playing Charlie as a lwb, got taken off injured on Saturday as well.
  3. What a load of shite, so you can't sit in the front rows because of 'health & safety'? but the main stand is fine with its maze of narrow passage ways and stairwells, a total death trap. IMO.
  4. Seen your 'sell outs' before. Empty seats everywhere, not to mention the freebies you throw around. Thank you.
  5. Long season ahead. IMO. You bunch and your DAB mates, in a relegation dogfight. All the best, hope you prevail. Thank you.
  6. Will never happen, but I would give them the main stand allocation and that's it for the return fixture. f**k the money. Thank you.
  7. Biden shouting about Trump in the crosshairs previously, backfired now, you silly old fool and your bunch of psycopathic handlers.
  8. That's the final nail in Bidens coffin. Thank God.
  9. Thank God, he's survived. Is this the world we want to live in? Kill or try and manipulate the law to destroy opponents?
  10. Get the chimps out the enclosure, return them to the wild, and replace with the left wing morons on here. IMO. Thank you.
  11. Probably be outstanding for quite a while yet, you bunch of beggars.
  12. Yeah, they show up in numbers, apart from when it really counts.
  13. We'll get about 2500 tickets, don't think it's a rumour.
  14. Think with the low amount Attendance FC are dishing out, you will have to Q up at the shop at about 2.30am. As well as the price, an absolute disgrace from them. IMO.
  15. Only worry now is picking up an injury from these cloggers. eta would fling on Kerr, Anderson 2nd half.
  16. Harsh..........................................but fair. Thank you.
  17. Agree with that, think Reilly will play lwb, put Mulligan centre mid.
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