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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Don't need anymore strikers. IMO. Would rather see an experienced DCM and a LWB, think we'll be good to go with that. Thank you.
  2. Fucking irony overload. You were on the Dundee thread not so long ago making a total arse of yourself, and now you're on here doing the same thing again. Do yourself a favour and give it a rest. Thank you.
  3. Yeah 23 goals in a season is bang average, in the top flight, in a shite team. and don't come out with the 'but but only 14 were in the league', nonsense. Thank you.
  4. Throw in Moult and Docherty as well, their star striker and midfield captain, another pair of crocks.
  5. What a load of white knighting shite, you'll get a lesson on the 4th, a football lesson. Thank you.
  6. Doubt it, will probably all be gone to season ticket holders, on Thursday or whenever they go on sale. IMO.
  7. He's an idiot, constantly on his 'moral high horse' shouting about homophobia and racism, and then comes out with that little gem you quoted. Thank you.
  8. Strain rumours as well about the seriousness of the injury, hopefully bullshite.
  9. Very good Meeker, you and the other DAB with the two cats are about the only decent ones on here. Thank you.
  10. Got a season ticket so would have a chance of a ticket, but you lot are ripping the piss, with the price and the crap allocation, so, no thank you.
  11. All of this shite about season tickets and attendances will count for absolutely f**k all, when Doc and the boys rock up at the Fruitbowl on Aug 4. Thank you.
  12. No we haven't, we've lost three, who were the only ones worth keeping Boateng, Beck and Mellon. Thank you. eta Forgot about Donnelly the centre half, but we've replaced him as well.
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