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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Had to play most of the game with 9 men as well, as substitutes weren't invented.
  2. Definite MOTM from young Cameron, excellent the way he ran at their defence, capped off with a superb goal. Looks a good prospect. Thank you. eta. Really missed those Ashcroft bullet headers, fucking excellent.
  3. That would have been the sensible way to deal with it, back the manager and punt the trouble makers. IMO.
  4. Round of applause in the ninth minute for Rossy boy this evening? Least we can do. IMO. Thank you.
  5. More money thrown into the bottomless Tannadice cash pit, a very expensive mistake. Fucking good.
  6. I cannot get over that pic, it's like the cover of a knitting pattern from the seventies. But, but, he had a moonboot on, I've heard that excuse, but if that was the case he should've just put the training kit on. IMO. Unbelievable. Thank you.
  7. This should have sent alarm bells ringing straight away, unfortunately it was too late by then. Thank you.
  8. You'd better hope the owner has deep pockets, going to take a load of cash to fix this clusterfuck. IMO.
  9. On balance, I would say it's the mid table Championship team Never seen the Dees lose by 9 funboy. Thank you.
  10. 24 conceded in 5 games who's the 'fun' now? You bunch of fucking clowns. Thank you.
  11. Agree with all that, but think the formation he plays, is the best way to play, with the players he's got.
  12. Well played Ayr, big guy up front caused numerous problems, got a good player there.
  13. I agree with dropping McGinn, contributes nothing, although might get a chance now with McCowan probably injured.
  14. Nah, lets write him off after a handful of games. Away for a lie down. Thank you.
  15. You better watch - the happy clappers won't agree. I'll wager you're one of the 'armchair experts' as well.
  16. That comment just about sums you up, a total fucking idiot.
  17. I remember your recommendations for a managerial appointment, they were all fucking nonsense. Thank you.
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