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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Be interesting to see how much Tony is on a week, I'll go conservatively at 4k. Thank you.
  2. Yeah, I've noticed they quite enjoy snacking on cat vomit. Vile. Thank you.
  3. He could play in the Championship no probs, but we've an abundance of CH's.
  4. Excellent CH big unit, calm and composed, looks good anytime I've seen him. Thank you.
  5. Think Sandy is an older gentleman, so you could maybe let him off, the geriatric chunt.
  6. I want to see The Monkey and the Parrot bar in the main stand. Thank you.
  7. According to the twitter shite (from DAB's) Tony put the head on Agent Ross. Thank you.
  8. Watched them on Sunday, load of tippy tappy square passing shite, constantly giving the ball away to the DAB's They will be found out in europe just like the dayglo's. Thank you.
  9. I've watched 2 dayglo fruit games, hardly makes me an obsessive. I'll bet you had a tune in on Friday, Twonkle. Thank you.
  10. Watched the pantomime today, absolutely hilarious, need to chuck more money at it. IMO. Thank you.
  11. Agree, looks like Billy will be the main threat, will make it all the sweeter at the end.
  12. Watched this today, Aberdeen are shite, want that McGinn twit back? He's shite as well. Thank you.
  13. The fitness levels are like night and day compared to when McPake was in charge, players blowing out their arses after 50min, like how Bowyer is filling the team with big powerful signings as well, nobodies pushing these guys about, or bullying them.
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