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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Agree with the sentiments about Gardyne, he can f**k right off. seem to remember him giving a GIRFUY gesture to us when he scored a late equaliser for the dayglo's, at the fruitbowl. No thank you.
  2. A DAB reject and now this geriatric has been? f**k off McPake. Thank you.
  3. There's a quick release clasp/elastic on cats collars now. Thank you.
  4. Watched a game where you got pummelled, can't remember who you were playing, but you're right, he couldn't give a monkeys. Fannying around with his hairdo, and fancy boots.
  5. Or it could just be a load of shite that morons have made up on twitter, so calm the f**k down. Getting in a right state yet again. Thank you.
  6. You didn't miss much Dave, not keen on people hiding behind keyboards branding other people racist/nazi though. I actually met him once, don't remember seig-heiling or goose-stepping up the road, but maybe I'm wrong. Thank you.
  7. Classic, what's the size of it 36/39mm? Thank you.
  8. Berbatov spotted in Stobbie Lidl, buying a croissant. Thank you.
  9. Don't let it cross the threshold, a black cat brings sorcery and witchcraft to your home. Thank you.
  10. One of them even started attacking Boredom, that wasn't pleasant. No need for it. IMO. Thank you.
  11. The hippy/forest dweller is wearing a crappy watch. Thank you.
  12. Love the Joker, will be gutted if he goes. Managers just don't seem to like him, maybe Yogi can get him under control. Great player, much better than Wighton.
  13. We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone. Thank you.
  14. Yeah, good job we never had a 'virtual' injury as well, or we would have been well fucked.
  15. Disappointing, at full strength we would have destroyed these mutants. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
  16. Beautiful Tag Johnny, that'll be you infected by the watch collecting virus now!
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