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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. He fucking whispers everything, want to go and jump out the window every time I listen to him.
  2. Get him binned now and Ross in, we might have a chance. He's draining the life out of me, with the results/interviews. Thank you.
  3. Stopped watching it. McPake doing his plan B and throwing on strikers. How many straight defeats now? and how many more?
  4. Fair enough, just think you're going a bit over the top. I also played centre forward for Clepington Primary in 1975. Thank you.
  5. Don't get the 'putting the boot into Cummings'. Club captain was done for drink driving, no outrage at all. Double standards. IMO. Thank you.
  6. Bit harsh. IMO. We've all got pished and made a mess of things at some point. Run free Cummings, and cause chaos in the box. Thank you.
  7. Been said previously, but could be the meds he's on make it difficult to shed the weight, if he wasn't bothering in training, then don't think even McPake would be interested.
  8. I believe he will come good, and thrive here. Looks to be getting fitter as well. Got to be worth a chance. IMO. eta he's had f**k all service since Adams been out as well. Thank you.
  9. Happy with Griffiths, well done McPake. eta. now sort the defence. Thank you.
  10. That's correct. Everything revolves around Fundee Ushite-it and the Fruitbowl. Thank you.
  11. You're correct. In the seventies and eighties, there was a lot of single mothers who ended up in prison because of these BBC scum.
  12. Need a big wrist to carry off the Panerai, massive. Don't buy one new, 2nd hand market is the way to go. Thank you.
  13. The only way you can get done, is for them to actually catch you watching live tv. If they come to the door, you just say 'no thank you' and close it. There's f**k all they can do.
  14. 150 quid a year to these morons? Don't fucking think so. Thank you.
  15. You got robbed tonight, McCall has built a good side there, will get glory in the end. IMO. Thank you.
  16. Any excuse to post this classic. All the best 'Broath. Thank you.
  17. They're flapping around in a right state/knicker wetting already. Hilarious. Holtie playing well for Partick tonight, on a side note. Thank you.
  18. Looks like there will be a 'square go' sooner or later, right pair of big bassa's. Could end up with a vet bill. Thank you.
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