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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. 12 braincells probably, he's the leader of the 'young team'. Absolute muppet.
  2. Too much time fannying around with hair dye, and not enough on tactics. IMO.
  3. Out the door fatty..... eta. Don't let it hit your humungous arse. Thank you.
  4. All about opinions, any time he's had a chance in the team he's done well. IMO. Could've made a difference with the points, because Mullens missed a lot of sitters.
  5. Should've given him a big cuddle, and told him everything will be fine IMO. There's a player there, will be pissed off if he goes. Thank you. eta. He's already hung him out to dry by not playing him/on the wing.
  6. Maybe the end of the road for Charlie due to age, been brilliant for us, love him, but, think that's a few times he's went to play a simple pass, and the hamstrings pinged, then he's out for weeks.
  7. Can't argue with any of that, at least Cummings looks fit, the other pair look like they're playing in a pub league.
  8. Yet another, really good striker booted out by McPake then. Thank you.
  9. So, Cummings gets banned from the club for getting pished. Charlie Adam does drink driving and doesn't get banned? Is this correct? Thank you.
  10. Think 'the Panther' will be full back, so that makes it look a bit better. Thank you.
  11. Sad state of affairs, but I'm hoping the game gets called off Saturday, would mean a stress free weekend, not ruined by McPake. IMO. Thank you.
  12. Any idea why he will miss the Hearts game? Have we banned him? Does he have to isolate?
  13. Maybe put a collar on him? Stop idiots like that getting involved. Thank you.
  14. Been having a read of their thread, getting their knickers in a right twist. Usual dodgy suspects. Thank you.
  15. No it can't be done, and also keeping an outside cat indoors is cruelty. Thank you.
  16. Too many injuries/suspensions and too much fuckwittery = away win for the greasey haired dimhead. Hopefully the Hibs can lift some silverware this weekend, and cheer everyone up. Thank you.
  17. Don't need any, got a pair of 'guard cats' that protect my garden. Thank you.
  18. Wish McPake would just go away, there's no enthusiasm from me when we play, just a feeling of dread, and hopelessness, looking forward to the winter break. Be good to get a couple of weeks rest from this shite. Thank you.
  19. Nobody killed or injured, that's the main thing. Take the punishment Charlie and learn a valuable lesson. FFS.
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