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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. How's he going to be able to do that, get bionic ones fitted? Thank you.
  2. The 'McPake Project' is here to stay. No point fantasising about sackings. Thank you.
  3. Good old pc plod, protecting us from these terminally ill thugs. Thank you.
  4. Harsh.....................but fair. eta disagree about Cummings. Thank you.
  5. wastecoatwilly moron, the straw that broke the camels back?
  6. 'Local media' All these clowns are good for is printing the Beano. Thank you.
  7. Division B Strachanovski defeats markf268 by resignation. Monumental blunders all over the place. Thank you.
  8. Glad that's over and done with, now get these west coast vermin out of Dens Park. Thank you.
  9. I was at that game, didn't really understand the booing of him. tbh.
  10. Wonder how many that classic will sell. Probably beat Harry Potter. Thank you.
  11. Yeah, good film, 1980's Miami Vice stylee, (same director I think) Hopkins is the best Lecter, closely followed by ......
  12. Looks like some kind of Fundee Utd shite. IMO.
  13. The Stare of Despair........... Thank you. eta. Must have been copying me, after another McPake horror show.
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