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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Nothing to see, sweep, sweep. A national fucking disgrace.
  2. One positive. Saturday not ruined by McPake fuckwittery. Thank you.
  3. Pop in and have a chit chat about SFA regulations with @Skyline Drifter. Thank you.
  4. A length of string pulled slowly along the floor, can also provide hours of fun. Thank you.
  5. Just stating a fact, not saying if it's right or wrong. Thank you.
  6. Sickening and vile the whole lot of it, think most people would be happy if this pair got tortured to death, in a derelict factory.
  7. Strachanovski loses again, this time to AH13STU. Thank you. eta Div B.
  8. Think he would do well with us, and that's about his limit. If he was top quality, would've won more cups and the league when Delia was in charge of the Celtic. Don't think he'll get a gig in England, so whats the alternative for him? eta. it's all pie in the sky hypothetical shite. Thank you.
  9. Don't think he would get on with Charlie, so it's a no from me. Thank you.
  10. Cheers, defeat after defeat, just like the team I support. Thank you.
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