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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Agree, should be dangling from a rope. Will be kept segregated though, along with the other plod and nonces behind bars.
  2. While 12k is probably about right, you've got to make it bigger than the fruitbowl. IMO.
  3. The only decent thing the BBC has done in it's entire existence. IMO.
  4. Exactly, teeth done, and a fibre glass rug stapled on his dome. Thank you.
  5. Enlarged 'talk lobe' at the top of her brain stem, it's a fairly common ailment amongst women, and not life threatening. Thank you.
  6. Get her a voucher for this place............. Inner Balance Carnoustie. Women love all that shite. Thank me later. Thank you.
  7. The only conclusion I can take from it is, his skull is solid bone, and he doesn't have a brain cell. Thank you.
  8. Yeah, joking aside, it's a shite state of affairs, no idea what the city centre is like now, probably full of morons. Hopefully Alex is ok. Thank you.
  9. Correct, went past him like he wasn't there. Going to Perth as well. Thank you.
  10. Site crashed/ made an arse of it when typing it, edited now. Thank you
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