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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. 'Stood with at Bannockburn' Get a fucking grip, it was decided on here a while back to shut the f**k up about politics, are you not reading posts? Thank you.
  2. They usually like a moan, so surprised Farmer Barley-mow isn't kicking up f**k about all the slaughtered sheep, unless they're just feeding on rabbits.
  3. If you were as innocent as he's making out, you'd be desperate to get into court, tell your Pizza Express story, and expose this lying woman. Sickening, watching this pantomime unfold. One rule for the 'elite' and another for everyone else.
  4. Div B Strachanovski draws with Dandies1983. I knew it would be a draw. Thank you.
  5. It's all fucked, Mrs, has been a nurse for 40 years, made it to Snr Charge Nurse, bailing out next year. I needed the NHS couple of times, every time these front line staff have been amazing. It's the morons in control that are the problem. Thank you.
  6. Is there hookers as well? Thank you. eta Asking for a friend.
  7. Cheers, used to frequent the Stobbie bar, when big Joyce was in charge, don't know about 'overly lively' though.
  8. Thank goodness we don't have to play this mob again for a while. Horrendous. Thank you.
  9. What pub in the Stobbie would you recommend for watching the derby? Don't want surrounded by DAB's. Stobbie born and bred, but not lived there for about 30 years. Thanks in advance.
  10. Gross hypocrisy from the man that goes online and types out a load of hatred and bile. Thank you.
  11. Too many key players missing, need to be patient with Griffiths as well, as he gets to match sharpness.
  12. Arguing now that the papers weren't served correctly, pc plod on guard accepted them, not the main nonce.
  13. No, the scum got away with it, an absolute disgrace. Just like this fucking nonce will.
  14. Great bit of positive news, young lad from the youths gets a Scotland cap. Boredom comes on and tries to piss all over it. Says it all really. Thank you.
  15. Yeah, for the price it's decent, don't buy a new one though! My advice would be go for a Tudor, have a look at the catalogue, see what you like, and check out the prices new and on the grey market. It's basically a Rolex.
  16. Over 2 grand, dropped half its value in 3 years.
  17. What case diameter would you recommend? Depends on the size of your wrist, mines are average, (6 1/2 inch) I like 40mm to 42mm size in watches.
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