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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Same here, it's got to be other humans, old/young/middle aged, whether it's fuckwittery on the roads, fuckwittery in shops, fuckwittery on tv, I just can't be doing with it, even my friends get on my fucking nerves. Ideal stress relief for me is to chill in the garden on a nice sunny day with the cat and relax, until the arsehole next door powers up his chainsaw. Thank you.
  2. Yeah, quite scarey mate, that's why you're head of security. Thank you.
  3. Can put up with McGowan giving Plod a right hook, but not this shite. Time to move on McPake and sign a right back. Thank you.
  4. Got to admit, top quality hair transplant from Boyle, that's the clinic Griffiths should have gone to. IMO. Thank you.
  5. Calm down. FFS. He did a good post that pointed out both sides of the argument. Thank you.
  6. Get rid of the make-up and replace with dirt/nicotine. Thank you.
  7. Had an argument with a bearded clown at Dens on Saturday, who looked like he lived in a cave. So wouldn't discount it. Thank you.
  8. That's my biggest fear, live on quite a busy road that has a 30mph speed limit, seen c***s do 50/60mph on it. It's no consolation, but at least you found out what happened to him. All the best mate.
  9. Major error, IMO. But what do I know? Would've sacked McPake about a year ago. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
  10. Elliott got the mental capacity to come back from that humiliation? Probably worse than a leg injury to overcome. Thank you.
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