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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Had a little look at the DAB's today, oh dearie me. Nothing to fear there. Thank you.
  2. Is that a penalty? Cummings puts his arm across and the bold boy collapses. Total pile of bullshite. IMO.
  3. After they scored, this mob were booting the ball away, and wasting time, from the 5th minute onwards. eta. Thank you.
  4. Is this the future? FFS. ETA. I'm blaming Sturgeon and Bo Jo. Thank you.
  5. Got the fucking p***k on ignore, but people keep quoting him. Thank you.
  6. Probably for the best you're not signing anyone, going by the amount of cash that's being haemorrhaged every week. Thank you.
  7. If your Mrs loves the house and wants to stay, then you've got two options IMO. either get a hold of the c**t and threaten him, or ignore him, and anything he says to the kids just laugh about it (although not easy, the second option is the preferred one.) at least he's not a moron blasting out shite music at three in the morning, but it's a shite state of affairs. All the best.
  8. Punt the house and walk away, only option IMO, think this shite will escalate.
  9. Lucky he's not out for the season with a snapped fibula. IMO. Thank you.
  10. Hopefully when he gets the bullet from here, we don't need to listen to the clown ever again. Thank you.
  11. I liked him when he played for us, and was disappointed it never worked out, but that last night was just shite-bag behaviour, to try and cripple a fellow pro is the actions of a rat. IMO. Thank you.
  12. Good result tonight, Montrose are a well organised side. Nice one McPake.
  13. Remember sitting on the bus on the way home after that, thinking we're going to win this fucking league. Thank you.
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