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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. No point in phoning plod, they are worse than the mentalists, had to put up with this intimidating shite for about 5 years from pc dimwit. (my car is the polo, and he parked up later) Thankfully him and his stupid wife have fucked off now, it's absolutely the worst thing living beside idiots.,
  2. This individual is not moving in. Get it sorted cunto. Thank you.
  3. That match was the final straw for me, McPake stuck with him for a load more games though. Desperately hoping he would turn out good, can't blame him, we paid 100k. Disaster.
  4. Predicted this would happen in jest on the Dundee thread weeks ago. Come true now. All the best with him. Hopeless. Thank you.
  5. What's he eating? Hopefully not any of that dried food thats been recalled.
  6. Turning into a right fatty, you big lump. Thank you.
  7. Just finished both the series, like you say really good, edge of seat stuff, with brilliant camera work, only downside was my dislike of the two main characters (the mother and daughter). Right pair of chunts. IMO. Thank you.
  8. Think the goalkeeping/coaching set up needed refreshed, upgraded. IMO. Was probably a bit harsh, would rank him alongside Donaldson and Allan and, as TCM pointed out, a trilogy of very good keepers.
  9. Geddes should've retired years ago. IMO. Cushy number at the club for god knows how long. Bog standard keeper as well. Thank you.
  10. Pretty sure he's out on day release, just now.
  11. He was away to sign, but dropped the pen, and then inexplicably threw the contract out the window. Thank you.
  12. Well played m8, would've resigned earlier but wanted to get to 60 moves. Cheers.
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