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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. "He successfully fended off a second man, while a third thought better of things and went back to the stand"
  2. Well played Nelms, anything that pisses off the DAB's and the **** is fine with me. Thank you. eta. Looks like the boy on the lefts got a white gold Rolex submariner. @Shadow Play
  3. Any half competent QC would absolutely destroy Doncaster etc in court. Looks like the dopey DAB's have shot their bolt a bit too early. Thank you.
  4. No promotion or relegation, but whoever is top gets the title, the league placings stand and the appropriate cash is divided out. That's the fairest way. IMHO. Thank you.
  5. Better not turn out to be a dishonest con with 'promotions' / 'relegations' etc. Would walk away from it all, and take up rambling or birdwatching. Thank you.
  6. Poor Jock, probably just needs somebody to give him a cuddle. IMO. Thank you.
  7. I don't know, but he's almost identical. Weird.
  8. Nice sofa, does the Muffster not claw at it? Mine is absolutely wrecked. Thank you.
  9. That's a pity, was hoping for your advice on the war I'm having with a lycra clad moron. Thank you.
  10. It's obviously a no vote, should have just posted a giant for the dim-wits to understand. Well played Nelms. Thank you.
  11. What's wrong with that? Could do with a chuckle in these worrying times. Thank you.
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