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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Don't think he bludgeoned any of them with a hammer. Thank you.
  2. The elderly are just not getting it all, told my geriatric mother that she might have to stay in the house (she couldn't figure out how this could be enforced), then just laughed and said she'd had the Asian flu when she was small, and that she was immune/not giving a f**k.
  3. Could be a collectors piece in the future. I'm going round to the club shop tomorrow to panic buy the whole stock. Thank you.
  4. Yep, Snr charge nurse, so I'm fucked anyway. be as well going out.
  5. Looking forward to being locked in the house, no contact with fuckwits. Thank you.
  6. Maybe something to do with their disgusting food hygiene standards.
  7. Any problems with cat food? Asking for a friend. Thank you.
  8. One win in their last nine games would suggest otherwise.
  9. Was thinking about that as well, they're chucking 70k a week down the shitter with crowds, what is it now?
  10. 'Just one more watch' channel on youtube did a vid on it, works quite well. eta i like your 'AP' G-Shock, would go for the all black version.
  11. This could only be done if the top team were mathematically clear, IMO. You can't just hand out titles in the middle of a season. Thank you.
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