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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Frightening stuff, these parasites need removed.
  2. Great debate today made a boring Monday afternoon go in quicker, if it's all the same to you though, I think l'll take the word of the native American and Canadian tribes, rather than that of a Dumbarton supporter. Or any of the other P&B experts. Thank you.
  3. Just replying to those that said it was a costume.
  4. The guy that did the suits/make up for the planet of the apes film released a year later in 1968, said it was that good he couldn't have made it, and he was probably the best in the world at ape costumes.
  5. Would've been debunked years ago if it was, it's been analysed to death by countless experts, also if you were going to fake it would you make it a female costume with a pair of tits on the front? Great afternoon debating it, much better than the work I should have been doing. Thank you.
  6. The famous Patterson Gimlin film from 1967 enhanced/stabilised.
  7. 1. There is photographic/video evidence. 3. Thats the opinion of the experts in the field. 4. I don't know why they are covering it up. 5. Why does evey DNA test on the hair come back as unidentifiable?
  8. Go and do some research Dave, it's quite interesting. Thank you.
  9. 1. No, there are sightings all over the world. 2. No. 3. A lot of the experts on the matter believe they bury their dead. The American government has bodies/knows all about it. 4. Plenty of scientists are out there looking. 5. They couldn't give a definite answer as to what the samples were, pretty close to human though, but not quite. eta. also worth noting that the mountain gorilla wasn't discovered till 1902.
  10. Northern California, although there are sightings all over the country.
  11. There's vast areas in North West America that no human has ever set foot in, thousands of acres of deep forest, I agree some of the film leaves a lot to be desired, but if you came face to face with this thing getting a good pic/video would be the last thing on your mind. (although there is some decent footage out there) There is also the hair samples that have been collected as well as the casts of the footprints with dermal ridges on them
  12. So the native American Indians are just gibbering a load of shite, same as all the other people that have had contact, everybodys making it up?
  13. CRISIS PR man Jason Stein, 28, was hired two months ago to help deal with the fall out from the Duke of York's links with scandal hit Jeffrey Epstein. A source said: 'He really, really strongly advised Andrew against giving the interview.' News
  14. Totally innocent nothing dodgy going on at all, same as when Saville was involved with them, nothing dodgy was going on there either. Thank you.
  15. Don't go near this cunter. You've been warned. Thank you.
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