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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Worrying times. IMO. ETA all we need now is Jeebsy to ping in a free kick. Thank you.
  2. Buy bikes, cars, (watches for me) whatever you like, got the funds now I didn't when younger, just don't try and dress like a 23 year old, simple.
  3. I'm going to hazard a guess and say she can't park the fucking clio. Thank you.
  4. Don't understand it, he did a brilliant write up for me when I won one of my many awards on here. Thank you.
  5. Last album was one of his finest works. Still selling out concerts everywhere. eta don't like the jeans though.
  6. That's cheered me up no end. Thank you. eta I also suffer from the said affliction.
  7. Ho ho, winding up clowns like you since 1983. Well played Steven.
  8. You can't 'hastily arrange' a controlled demolition, takes weeks of preparation.
  9. Don't forget the pilot as well, he was a top specialist after his couple of lessons.
  10. The plane would disintegrate on impact, it certainly wouldn't cut through steel beams.
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