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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Belligerent ghouls run Dundee schools, Spineless b*****ds all. Thank you.
  2. It will end up six feet under water, with a load of arguing about whose fault it is, cooncil or robertsons. IMO.
  3. Yeah, can't beat an Ashcroft bullet header from a corner. Thank you.
  4. No morons refereeing please, just want a fair game and we should have enough. All the best to the Dingwall after this one, hopefully overtake the Perth fuds. Thank you.
  5. Dens Rd and the surrounding area is a mess as well, dog shite everywhere, what is it with these people? Got a lift from my mate, and we went to the game on Sunday, he is a bit ocd about his car, if I had trailed dog faeces into it he would have had a coronary. Thank you.
  6. Wonder why we never loaned out Pineda? Permanently crocked? Or just guff? Thank you.
  7. Tweek it slightly, no Astley, put McGhee in the three at the back, with Mulligan RWB. Thank you.
  8. Correct, if you get Lee then it's a very good signing. Stroll the championship.
  9. Also, who goes on social meedya looks for interim nonsense/job opportunities and then comes on another teams thread to whine about it? f**k me.
  10. Was a straight red for dangerous play, was also a stonewall penalty, what did we get? The ball handed back to St Johnstone. Total farce.
  11. Just seen it again on stv news, Munro is looking straight at the incident from about 10 yards away, throws his arms up and says play on. He needs removed from professional football permanently. Thank you.
  12. GIRFUY Levein you boring specky twat, the 'who the fucks he' trumpet who did the cupped ears to the Derry after being subbed, and the thirty year old perth virgin sticking 'saints on tour' stickers on lamp posts. Thank you.
  13. He needs removed, doctor on the pitch while this moron allows play to go on. Get him to f**k.
  14. Here's hoping he is ok, game should have been over at that point as well, but where David Munro got 8 minutes from is an absolute mystery, said it before, he is an incompetent clown, that should be nowhere near the top flight. A dangerous idiot. IMO. All the best to Michael Mellon.
  15. It's the constant spamming of the Dundee thread with unmitigated shite that pisses people off. IMO. Thank you.
  16. Yeah, you've got a good side there, all the best, also, I celebrated like f**k when you beat the DAB's on pens. Thank you.
  17. Should know better than to post pish on here then. IMO. Thank you.
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