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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Need Biden and his fascist regime removed from power. asap. IMO.
  2. He looked really good, should be back in for him. IMO.
  3. The Walcott guy is class, only played a few games before injury, but would've liked to have seen him back at Dens. Top signing if it happens.
  4. Wee bit of an exaggeration there Party, but no probs.
  5. I'm not bothered, one way or the other, 'for there are brighter sides to life, and I should know, because I've seen them, but not very often.' Thank you.
  6. Looks to me that Becks thinking 'this guys off his fucking rocker', thought when I saw it, Klop's going to put him on, not to be though.
  7. Spot on, never witnessed such a goalkeeping masterclass, 'cat-like' reflexes, unbeatable. Thank you.
  8. He could use it to practice on, and then wouldn't be embarrassed ever again. IMO.
  9. Absolutely horrendous, like a Stewart Milne version of Cinderella's enchanted fucking castle. No taste baldy twit. Thank you.
  10. What happens when/if you somehow manage to crawl over the line, you going to bin all these jobbers? Thank you.
  11. This tax dodging faux 'personality' fucking arsehole. Thank you.
  12. Hopefully 'Nelmsey' has learned his lesson, and we don't get shafted yet again, everybody would like to see Luke progress and treble/quadruple his wages, but he's on a long contract, so 250k is a nonsense. IMO. Thank you.
  13. You had a great cat as well Johnny, was sad when Diego died. Thank you.
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