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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. You've got a good side IMO, that Adams clown has just flung the lot of them under a double decker, unfortunate for you. Great for everyone else.
  2. Would love to see Si back in the dark blue of Dundee, caused all sorts of problems for us today, think he would compliment us superbly. Straight swap for Rudden. Thank you.
  3. f**k only knows whats in it, (probably something horrendous) he's a greedy fat bassa that will eat anything, apart from that. Thank you.
  4. What a horrible little individual that fucker is, no class whatsoever.
  5. You don't have the money for this anymore, pretty sure he's a Dee as well. Thank you.
  6. India Willoughby........... Mumsnet is NOT a parenting site anymore. It’s a staging ground for bigotry and extremism, where the most awful things are said. Go look.
  7. Bedtime now Spock, piss off to your space pod and have a weep. Thank you.
  8. How is it 'weird'? fucked us over with his incompetence, rightly sacked, then the next thing the clown is twirling a tangerine scarf over his head, get down to L1 where you and him belong.
  9. Brilliant, GIRFUY McIntyre and your tangerine mates. Thank you.
  10. The watch is worse than the tatt. IMO. Thank you.
  11. I've got eleven, ten spaces in the watch box and one on the wrist, think that's about the perfect size for a collection, couldn't cope with anymore than that. Got a pre order on an Oceaneva titanium GMT arriving in March, (need a GMT in the collection) that will be twelve, just contradicted myself. Thank you.
  12. Be careful, watches are probably more addictive than crack, the discounts will lure you in, then before you know it, you're buying two a month. My mates out of control with it, got about 47 watches some interesting pieces though, will see if he'll allow pics. Thank you.
  13. I'm just looking at the options we have just now, hopefully be fixed in January. Thank you.
  14. Well said, McGhee contributes nothing in the RWB role, it's just continual back/sideways passes, just once Jordan run down the fucking wing and take on the full back. FFS. Probably better off with Kerr. Thank you.
  15. I do, you cannot grab a players shirt like that in the box now that VAR is here, and if Clancy has the bollocks to send the boy off, (probably a yellow) then he will give a penalty against them, no probs. IMO. eta freekick was right on the edge of the box as well, no pen either. IMO.
  16. Good luck with that clown if you're relying on him to make decent signings.
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