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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. We were the better side, threw it away again, red card was spot on as well, studs high challenge on McCowans thigh.
  2. A load of shite about how we had the biggest budget in the championship and it wasn't fair on everyone else. Thank you.
  3. The amount of hair on your face, they would probably adopt you. IMO. Thank you.
  4. I have no inclination to meet with the Sabe/forest people, too terrifying. Would like to see you dumped in a tent in a hot spot though, see how long before you soiled yourself, bet you would come back with a different attitude as well. Thank you.
  5. Satanist, member of the Bohemian Club, an evil individual, hopefully getting what he deserves now.
  6. The man was a permanent raging seething mess, thank goodness he took himself off of here.
  7. Looking for £500? f**k off you moron, also the tree fits perfectly well in your room. Thank you.
  8. He's there or there abouts. All the best with him, won't comment again if it upsets you. Thank you.
  9. Don't like the chunt, had a pop at Dundee a few times when he was working as a 'pundit'. Thank you.
  10. Good plan, you've got a better chance than most with buying the rings etc Sub or Explorer you can't go wrong, all the best, would be interesting to hear how you get on. Thank you.
  11. Absolute nonsense people have to go through this, but it's commonplace. What watch are you after? I would bullshit them and say I want a Rolex steel sports, and I'm prepared to spend a lot on jewellery starting with this engagement ring, see what they say.
  12. You left handed Dave? The whole thing messes with my brain too much, excellent from Pagani yet again though.
  13. Whatever you do, don't go near Jim McIntyre, an absolute clown of a man. IMO. Thank you.
  14. If this is the case, then it's totally unprofessional/tinpot. IMO.
  15. Think you will be disappointed here, can see a monumental arse collapse fast approaching for the fruits, with Capt Birdseye at the helm. Thank you.
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