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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Striker was good, the pitch was far superior, you just unfolded it, whereas Subbuteo you had to get your dad to glue the pitch to a bit of hardboard.
  2. Thousands of free tickets, and no fucker is interested. Get this rabble, and the plastic rug they play on in L1 with the Hamilton. Thank you.
  3. Yet another clown of a referee last night, constant fouling, play acting, and time wasting from this Dingwall mob, the sooner they end up in L1, just like the Hamilton, the better. IMO. Thank you.
  4. Thought Pineda looked really good when he came on, got to drop either of the two up front, personally I would drop Bakayoko, not a fan of the 'laid back' look, fair enough if you're exceptional, unfortunately, he's not. Just seen a replay of one of Diegos chances, v. unlucky, did everything right and blasted it low and hard into the corner, great save, at the time thought the same with his other chances as well, did everything right, just unlucky/good goalkeeping. Doc praising him on the post match interview, so hopefully he gets a start v the livi on the plastic rug. Thank you.
  5. Nice classic piece, not a fan of the date window, just my opinion though.
  6. Spot on, had Dundee and Liverpool with the 'crinkly' shirts, Newcastle as well but 'smoother' shirts, the crinkly shirt versions were far superior.
  7. Back in 78 I had the Dundee Subbuteo team in this kit.... Probably be worth thousands now. Thank you.
  8. Never knew that, not so good, also, genuinely couldn't name any of the ginger twats songs. Thank you.
  9. Ed Sheeran thought about doing that, anybody see his watch collection vid with John Mayer? 'Piece Uniques' from both AP and Patek, mind blowing stuff. Thank you.
  10. Winking or only one eye? Top cat. Thank you.
  11. Good job you sheep are not playing Ross County, all three of them would be on here complaining about 'tin-pottery', because the games off. Thank you.
  12. Probably the best penalty taker I've seen, can't remember him missing.
  13. That looks really good, what's the price? (if you don't mind me asking) Cheers.
  14. Be good if it was in a restaurant as well, and nobody believed him, as he gasped his last breath. Thank you.
  15. Forget about the driving, it's an absolute stress filled shitemare, roads are clogged with morons in giant SUV's, who basically can't drive them, or pay for them. Thank you.
  16. Fighting days are finished, 13 with no teeth, came off second best in major scrap last Sunday, traumatised now, retreated to the house, wallet traumatised as well, £200 down to vets fees. Bad week.
  17. Smudger in acrylic on canvas.* *Too much time on my hands. Thank you.
  18. Unusual/original design, left hand drive as well, never seen anything like it, bit of a marmite watch, don't know if I love it or hate it, good though. Thank you.
  19. Looks pretty desperate, seemingly they wanted money as well, for being the opposition in the Cammy Kerr testimonial.
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