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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Great fight depicted on Kerr's chest, eagle v cobra, violent. Thank you.
  2. Knows what side of the gate to stay on, bit like North/South Korea. Thank you.
  3. That's it in a nutshell, get it overturned, and then get the idiot demoted.
  4. If this doesn't get overturned then I shall be slightly perturbed, fucking seething. Thank you.
  5. It's the best outcome to try and get income for Kerr, doubt any english clubs would be interested, so it's one or the other arse cheek, wouldn't even entertain the dayglo's, don't show up when it's important, never mind a testimonial. Thank you. eta. He should plough all the profits into our youth development. IMO.
  6. That's the appeal in for the red, decided on Wednesday, lets see what these bunch of SFA clowns come up with. Thank you.
  7. What about Ruddens back heel/Cruyff turn? Brilliant, from the bold bald. Thank you.
  8. Thought Mulligan was absolutely superb today in centre mid, his best position.
  9. Been done to death, but wish we could get ex players refeering. These morons we have in charge have no clue whatsoever.
  10. Will we appeal it? I would've thought so, fair enough people make mistakes in the heat of the moment, but to go and have another look, and then just 'double down' is just shocking unprofessional behaviour. IMO.
  11. Unbelievable people having a go at Mulligan, never a red card in a million years, the little shit Munro totally ruined that game.
  12. He's on twatter non stop since being freed, load of absolute fantasy/nonsense.
  13. That's brilliant. This below, not so much. Thank you.
  14. Fabric sofa, down the middle, inbetween cushions etc. Thank you.
  15. Attacking line up, that looks decent. Chances galore with that side, would the chances be taken though? That's been the main problem, so far. IMO.
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