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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. More bullshite unfortunately, as you have been replying to my posts. Thank you.
  2. Think it's because me and Spud are slightly older, and have had a lifetime of listening to people like him, and are tired of it. Thank you.
  3. I neither like it or dislike it, think if they were going with all white, should've just gone white and gold, think the tartan cheapens it, same with the badge. Terrible fit on me macron (and I'm not a fat twat) Might buy the home, just for the collection. Thank you.
  4. That's better, taking it on the chin, unlike the teary eyed rage from 'fundo', sure Danger did a full page teary rant the last time you went down as well. Pathetic. Thank you.
  5. So much salty tears on this thread it's like bathing in the dead sea. IMO. Just witnessed Goodwin whining and whinging on stv news, 'nobody will sign because we're in the championship'. Nice one Jim, get the excuses in early. Thank you.
  6. Hopefully Goodwin just rips the contracts up, and they walk away for free. Thank you.
  7. March the fucker onto a plane, fly him back to the states, and don't waste another penny on this farce. IMO. Thank you.
  8. Is top knot still at the dab's? Him and Robinson could work, worth a cheeky offer? No silly money you samurai twit. Thank you.
  9. Excellent, experience up front, and in midfield now reqd.
  10. Here's a better idea. Buy it, then you pop round and you put him in it. Thank you.
  11. You need immediate help from Fife council, you should be getting carers coming in a couple of times a day, you getting paid carers allowance/attendance allowance? Its not much, but still something. Similar happened to me with my 'so called' sister walking away from the whole thing. I don't have a sister now. she is dead to me. I was lucky though as my Mrs is a retired nurse, and she has been brilliant, I'm working full time so I couldn't cope with it, it's just too much. All the best, Dundee city council were a good help to me, hope you get the same help/support from Fife.
  12. Stoned again after the furry fowl was coated in catnip. Thank you.
  13. Cool training gear combo, the black and white. Nice. Thank you.
  14. Hopefully not another DM, but a playmaker, interesting, good experience at a good level.
  15. I think we can all agree that we have the class colours in this city, we don't change them either, from black to white to green to tadgerine or whatever. Thank you.
  16. Must be a good job to be swanning around in that. IMO.
  17. Would say that's his level if he wants to keep playing, must be deluded, a 'past it/overpaid has been'. Thank you.
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