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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Sit down Coyle, as well as the QP nuggets on here, and shut the f**k up. Thank you.
  2. Take it this is a pop at me so I'll bite. Was right wing before Steven ever mentioned it, sorry we can't all be 'left wing'. Thank you.
  3. Think this will work out well, wont be expensive, you need a big unit centre mid. IMO. Great chance for Maguire.
  4. Got a pic with Javier, absolute gent. Sure he played in the Robertson testimonial at Lochee, seems like a long time ago.
  5. Was thinking the same, Cowdenbeath, currently residing in the 'where are they now' file.
  6. He was on stv news as well earlier, swanning around Gardyne like he was king kong, tbf it does look quite impressive.
  7. Whether I put that pic up, or the new one, it's still an utter embarassment. Thank you.
  8. Sorry about the knees mate, excercise is the answer for the hip (walking around a lot) but if your knees are knackered then that will be difficult. They reckon only ten years for the hip to last, hopefully be longer than that, fingers crossed, because before the op, life wasn't worth living. You get it done at Perth?
  9. Welcome to the club Shadow, got mine done three years ago, was pretty much fully recovered after the three months, and it's perfect now. Had zero quality of life before the op, constant pain that painkillers couldn't touch. Thank you Mr Shrpada I owe you so much.
  10. Thought about one of these, then decided against it.
  11. Brass neck of this chunt, lucky for him the Smudger was crashed out on the settee. Thank you.
  12. Sooner Sheridan is punted the better, absolute shitebag behaviour, although shitebag behaviour seems to be a running theme with him. Would rather give a youth striker a chance.
  13. Don't like the look of that, McGhee in midfield, persisting with Marshall and Jakubiak up front.
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